News 2011
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- Kox chosen to lead post-election observer team 16 December 2011
- SP: ‘Put an end to back room politics in Brussels’ 15 December 2011
- Top EU officials secure their own salaries 14 December 2011
- Israel uses teargas in ways which are illegal 13 December 2011
- SP : ‘Stop American blackmail on personal data’ 12 December 2011
- ‘People must be given chance to express their views on new European... 9 December 2011
- ‘Ten billion extra in spending cuts in the middle of a new crisis is... 9 December 2011
- Van Bommel urges UN enquiry into CIA prisons 9 December 2011
- Fearful Brussels sides with bankers, not with the people 7 December 2011
- Dutch Ombudsman proposes Code of Conduct for European Expert Groups 7 December 2011
- Van Bommel welcomes government’s apology to Rawagedeh survivors 6 December 2011
- Criminalising unauthorised immigrants 4 December 2011
- De Jong welcomes adoption of stricter code of conduct for MEPs 1 December 2011
- De Jong demands action on corrupt firms in EU 1 December 2011
- De Jong wants to put an end to carve-up in election of European... 30 November 2011
- Iraq: Van Bommel urges postponement of closure of Camp Ashraf 30 November 2011
- Leijten: ‘Turn the Olympic subsidy tap off’ 28 November 2011
- Council of Europe looks on as Russia votes 28 November 2011
- De Jong demands referendum on European Economic Government 24 November 2011
- De Jong: European Commission has a calculator but no heart 24 November 2011
- Van Bommel: ‘Human rights lose out to trade interests’ 23 November 2011
- Dutch government recognises euro was full of flaws 23 November 2011
- Brussels, keep your hands off our pensions! 18 November 2011
- Support for oppressed peoples in China 16 November 2011
- Irrgang and Ferrier open exhibition on female condom 16 November 2011
- EU rules against speculators only a first step 15 November 2011
- European Commission must intervene to prevent transgression of rules on... 15 November 2011
- Enquiry into Libyan War will increase legitimacy of International... 14 November 2011
- Shaky steps towards democracy in Kyrgyzstan 13 November 2011
- Russia: complicated elections coming up 13 November 2011
- EU Court of Auditors Report reveals billions in misspent EU money 10 November 2011
- Van Bommel seeks parliamentary enquiry into decolonisation of Suriname 9 November 2011
- ‘Ratify UN Disability Treaty before end of year’ 9 November 2011
- Dutch participation in missile shield? No thanks! 8 November 2011
- SP Senator Kox to lead election observer team in Russia 5 November 2011
- Asylum minister must open new investigation into case of Mauro Manuel 29 October 2011
- ‘Appoint a European Commissioner for corruption and tax evasion’ 28 October 2011
- De Jong: Government leaders still held hostage by financial markets 27 October 2011
- Irrgang: ‘An agreement isn’t a solution’ 27 October 2011
- Gesthuizen: ‘What can a Limburger do in Angola?’ 27 October 2011
- Van Bommel: ‘Public prosecutor must investigate Rawagede bloodbath’ 26 October 2011
- EU Council of Ministers refuses to make details of millions spent public 25 October 2011
- Van Bommel: Turkey must open dialogue with Kurds 24 October 2011
- A thousand and one nightmares 23 October 2011
- Irrgang: ‘Political union no solution for banking and eurocrisis’ 22 October 2011
- Fresh chance for Libyan people 21 October 2011
- Proposal to boost competition misunderstands causes of eurocrisis 20 October 2011
- Roemer: Occupy movement offers hope for start of fundamental change 15 October 2011
- There is a spectre haunting the world! 14 October 2011
- EU Agriculture plans ‘a missed opportunity’ 14 October 2011
- Parliament supports SP proposal to end subsidies for EU predation of... 13 October 2011
- Barroso's coup d’état 13 October 2011
- New breach of rules shows need for tighter Code of Conduct for Euro-MPs 13 October 2011
- Netherlands culprit in tax evasion by corporations from weak Euroland... 12 October 2011
- SP Senators vote against European emergency fund 12 October 2011
- Occupy movement comes to the Netherlands! 12 October 2011
- Parliament supports SP proposal for total ban on bonuses at state-... 11 October 2011
- State secret 9 October 2011
- 'War in Afghanistan is becoming ever more a Gordian knot.' 8 October 2011
- Ombudsman speaks out: 'Social rental accommodation is also for... 7 October 2011
- EU foreign policy must promote freedom of religion and secularism 6 October 2011
- Palestinians granted 'Partner for Democracy' status in... 5 October 2011
- Parliament supports SP: pharmaceutical industry research must be made... 4 October 2011
- Then and now: Exploitation of workers from Central and Eastern Europe 3 October 2011
- Van Bommel: 'EU treaty with Indonesia much too soon’ 30 September 2011
- Uncrewed planes don't help: only diplomacy can save the Somalis 30 September 2011
- Urban decline and exploitation of workers results of unrestricted... 29 September 2011
- 'Halt talks on a Netherlands-Israel cooperation council’ 29 September 2011
- ‘Refugee policy must be based on justice’ 28 September 2011
- 100 storks against maternal mortality 27 September 2011
- Recognition of Palestinian state urgently needed 25 September 2011
- Palestine must no longer be excluded 24 September 2011
- SP development spokesman named ‘political comrade’ of Burundi journalist 24 September 2011
- Government plans to penalise illegal entry are impracticable 24 September 2011
- Frontex must halt degrading treatment of asylum seekers 22 September 2011
- SP leader: 'This crisis is no natural disaster, but can be blamed... 21 September 2011
- Deportation to Angola unjust and inhuman 19 September 2011
- De Jong demands European Parliament enquiry into EU agencies 16 September 2011
- ‘Americans frustrate privacy protection in the Netherlands’ 16 September 2011
- Soldiers are in danger while politicians in The Hague chatter about a... 15 September 2011
- Dennis de Jong: combatting corruption is combatting the crisis 15 September 2011
- Van Bommel: ‘Rawagede verdict historic’ 14 September 2011
- European Parliament supports SP proposal for check on effects of new... 13 September 2011
- Palestinian Parliament becomes partner of Council of Europe 8 September 2011
- On Maastricht, Greece and Europe 7 September 2011
- 'Stop the European Parliament travelling circus' 7 September 2011
- 'Brave of the defence minister to call a war a war’ 6 September 2011
- Dennis de Jong unveils proposals for European approach to problem of... 1 September 2011
- Van Bommel: 'Government starting to move goalposts on Kunduz... 29 August 2011
- Only more democracy can save Europe 29 August 2011
- Situation of asylum seekers in detention untenable 27 August 2011
- What we don’t see… 22 August 2011
- Irrgang urges debate on ‘new smokescreen for Finnish collateral’ 22 August 2011
- Roemer at European crisis meeting: ‘Not less, but more democracy is... 21 August 2011
- 'Fifty billion out: blunder or deception?' 21 August 2011
- The Modern Left in Europe 21 August 2011
- A unified Eurozone cannot be maintained 18 August 2011
- 'Don’t aid the mafia by burning waste from Naples’ 15 August 2011
- The European Parliament’s powers – or lack of them 14 August 2011
- SP demonstrates solidarity with Syrians 6 August 2011
- Africa deserves help, not cynicism 4 August 2011
- Van Bommel: 'Step up pressure on Syria after bloodbath’ 1 August 2011
- €50 billion more than we were told: SP demands explanation from Prime... 27 July 2011
- 'We are all Norwegians’ 23 July 2011
- Debt crisis shouldn’t be an excuse to hand more powers to Europe 21 July 2011
- Hadzic’s arrest not enough to qualify Serbia for EU candidacy 20 July 2011
- De Jong: Time still not ripe for open borders with Romania and Bulgaria 20 July 2011
- EU must take action over billions lost in VAT fraud 14 July 2011
- The Netherlands isn’t a province of Europe, Neelie! 13 July 2011
- New scandal rocks European Parliament 6 July 2011
- European Parliament Report on retail trade is missed opportunity for... 5 July 2011
- Foresight: Afghanistan 1 July 2011
- Parliament supports SP proposal to end undue influence by Turkish and... 1 July 2011
- Parliament supports SP motion to end arms trade with repressive regimes 1 July 2011
- SP sends home affairs minister back to Brussels 30 June 2011
- Parliament supports SP motion: Freedom of assembly is still part of... 30 June 2011
- Taxes on multinationals: Parliament supports SP demand for openness 30 June 2011
- SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong kicks off summer post-card action against... 30 June 2011
- Brussels financial lobby meets resistance 30 June 2011
- Van Bommel urges government to veto EU Multi-Annual Budget 30 June 2011
- Van Bommel: Doubts over Kunduz Police Association are justified 29 June 2011
- Stricter Code of Conduct for MEPs 29 June 2011
- Parliament supports SP motion: No admission for Croatia without... 24 June 2011
- SP: ‘Ceasefire in Libya urgently needed’ 23 June 2011
- Mass trade union demonstration against EU economic plans 22 June 2011
- SP delegation in Athens: Creditor Banks must take losses 22 June 2011
- Don’t use crisis as excuse for Brussels’ drive for lower wages 22 June 2011
- Foresight: the Euro Crisis, as seen from a decade ago and more 20 June 2011
- A Greek Tragedy 17 June 2011
- European Arrest Warrant must be reformed 8 June 2011
- European Commission backs SP demand to tackle corruption 8 June 2011
- European Parliament’s budget proposals should be binned 8 June 2011
- SP ‘unimpressed’ by European Court of Auditors nominee 7 June 2011
- Kox: Chernobyl must not be forgotten 2 June 2011
- No nuclear power stations, but 100% renewable energy by 2050 1 June 2011
- De Jong: different rules needed for cooperative banks under Basel III 31 May 2011
- Arrest of Mladic insufficient to justify Serbia’s accession to EU 26 May 2011
- Food price speculation: Government demands more openness from investors 26 May 2011
- Transparency International report shows need for tough approach to... 24 May 2011
- Time to put an end to neo-colonial method of choosing IMF boss 24 May 2011
- Loud protest against still more European pressure for rail deregulation 24 May 2011
- When will Somali suffering end? 20 May 2011
- ‘You don’t give a new credit card to a country mired in debt’ 19 May 2011
- European Commission opens door on shadowy advice groups 19 May 2011
- Corruption: EU member states come under pressure from Commission and... 18 May 2011
- SP: European Commission ignores trade unions but attends European... 18 May 2011
- Government supports SP: Plant characteristics no longer prey to patent... 18 May 2011
- SP starts summer action against homophobia on holiday 17 May 2011
- Greece out of the euro - and break up the banks 12 May 2011
- European Parliament votes to support compulsory labelling of fur 11 May 2011
- European Parliament avoids public debate on EU Economic Governance 11 May 2011
- De Jong: European Parliament must refuse access to unregistered... 11 May 2011
- Multinationals advise EU on how to tackle their own tax evasion 11 May 2011
- European trade unions’ warning on economic governance 6 May 2011
- Government must reject use of depleted uranium weapons 3 May 2011
- On the death of Bin Laden 2 May 2011
- ‘Death of Bin Laden has mostly symbolic significance’ 2 May 2011
- Kunduz – conditions placed on Green Left’s support have not been... 23 April 2011
- SP Senator Tiny Kox on working visit to Tunis: Libyan war menacing... 22 April 2011
- Euro-MPs to investigate Niger Delta issue 20 April 2011
- Senate to government: Hands off the European Court of Human Rights 20 April 2011
- De Jong: campaign against EU economic ‘six-pack’ 19 April 2011
- Council of Europe: Arab world deserves support 15 April 2011
- Atom bombs in our countries undermine nuclear disarmament 14 April 2011
- Six questions to Dennis de Jong on new SP campaign: ‘The talons of... 13 April 2011
- De Jong: European Commission proposals on internal market demand... 13 April 2011
- Massive trade union demonstration against EU proposals 11 April 2011
- Dennis de Jong appointed to working group to tackle corruption in Euro-... 8 April 2011
- End use of depleted uranium in munitions 7 April 2011
- Limit use of business class flights by Euro-MPs 6 April 2011
- Less defence spending should mean fewer wars 6 April 2011
- Jan Marijnissen: On war, progress and justice 1 April 2011
- Support for UN mission in South Sudan 31 March 2011
- SP: no support for hopeless war in Libya 31 March 2011
- SP presents proposals for smaller EU budget 31 March 2011
- Euro-MPs ‘delighted’ by Commission’s denunciation of criminalisation... 30 March 2011
- Senate questions government over investment ban on cluster munitions 29 March 2011
- SP investigates consequences of EU rules on social housing income... 27 March 2011
- Tiny Kox: ‘The Netherlands must help the Palestinians’ 27 March 2011
- ‘Referendum needed on European economic governance’ 24 March 2011
- Parliament demands tightening up of arms exports policy 24 March 2011
- De Jong: European Parliament seeking to avoid referenda 24 March 2011
- SP votes against Dutch contribution to intervention in Libya 23 March 2011
- Interview with Harry van Bommel about the Palestine-Israel peace process 23 March 2011
- SP calls for cease-fire and negotiations in Libya 22 March 2011
- De Jong: European Parliament must tighten up Code of Conduct 20 March 2011
- Parliament supports the SP: Fair price for farm produce 18 March 2011
- UN resolution has desired effect 18 March 2011
- Libya: no more sitting by and looking on 18 March 2011
- Recognise the Kurdish genocide 18 March 2011
- Attack on Kunduz police chief sign of things to come 15 March 2011
- SP Senator Kox in Council of Europe: a helping hand for the Arab revolt 11 March 2011
- De Jong: European plans for wages and pensions bad for the man and... 10 March 2011
- European Parliament amends its calendar and saves millions 9 March 2011
- European postal workers hand flowers out for International Women’s Day 8 March 2011
- Van Bommel: ‘Arms deal is no private matter’ 7 March 2011
- De Jong: Increase in budget for Euro-MPs should be rejected 4 March 2011
- Young postal workers concerned by liberalisation 2 March 2011
- 'Faster asylum policy a good thing, but don’t erode human rights’ 22 February 2011
- Stop participation in arms fair, impose arms embargo on Middle East 22 February 2011
- EU must put pressure on to end violence in Libya 21 February 2011
- Right-wing Parliamentary Excursion 20 February 2011
- European arrest warrant must be reformed 19 February 2011
- Senate urges government action on ridding Europe of nuclear weapons 17 February 2011
- De Jong: European expert groups exclude experts 17 February 2011
- SP leader Emile Roemer: ‘Influx of workers from Eastern Europe must be... 16 February 2011
- De Jong: reject plan for EU meddling in pensions 15 February 2011
- Government’s assurance on Kunduz ‘almost laughable’ 15 February 2011
- De Jong: new European asylum package needed 15 February 2011
- Historic day for Egypt and the Arab world 11 February 2011
- Interview with Harry van Bommel: ‘I won’t trade human lives for... 11 February 2011
- The world in movement 8 February 2011
- Sizeable turnout for Amsterdam demo in support of Egypt’s people 5 February 2011
- Tiny Kox: ‘Council of Europe must help Arab democratisation movement’ 4 February 2011
- Revolution in Egypt: enough is enough 2 February 2011
- Former Member of Court of Auditors invited for closed doors meeting at... 28 January 2011
- Van Bommel: 'EU must take action against Egypt' 28 January 2011
- Emile Roemer: 'New Afghanistan mission won’t bring peace, it will... 28 January 2011
- Council of Europe demands thorough enquiry into Kosovo government’s... 26 January 2011
- Broad support in EP for De Jong’s pensions report 26 January 2011
- Locking up undocumented foreigners is inhuman, senseless and... 26 January 2011
- Plan B for the Eurozone 26 January 2011
- Hearing on the Niger Delta: Shell admits mistakes 26 January 2011
- Let’s invest in forces for good in Afghanistan 25 January 2011
- Mutual recognition of partnerships and marriages no nearer 23 January 2011
- New Afghan mission is American idea 19 January 2011
- Government adopts SP proposal, bans investment in cluster munitions 19 January 2011
- De Jong demands EU guarantees of humane asylum policy 19 January 2011
- De Jong: debate on the Euro’s future has been thoroughly undemocratic 18 January 2011
- New European Commission code of conduct still too vague 16 January 2011
- Where is the Euro going? The public must have a voice in deciding 13 January 2011
- Van Bommel: 'EU must take action against Tunisia' 12 January 2011
- 'Stop the war, support Afghanistan' 11 January 2011
- Court of Auditors revelations: De Jong demands explanation from... 11 January 2011
- Van Bommel wants Dutch presence at mass trial of Turkish Kurds 9 January 2011
- Van Bommel: ‘New Afghanistan mission is military in nature’ 7 January 2011
- Foreign minister must put pressure on Egypt 3 January 2011