SP proposes law for substantial increase in minimum wage
SP proposes law for substantial increase in minimum wage

The SP proposes a law to raise the minimum wage substantially. Under the SP's law, the minimum wage will go up immediately to 16 euros and will continue to rise thereafter. The coupled benefits will rise, too. Surrounded by 500 new SP members, which joined together to portray the number 16, SP leader Lilian Marijnissen launched the new law.
It is clear that a higher minimum wage is badly needed. Hundreds of thousands of people have incomes that are too low to live on. During this election campaign, parties talk about social security. They are right to do so, but this law can prevent their words from becoming an empty election promise. We are bringing forward this law so that parties can show colour before the elections. We should not wait until there is a new cabinet; last time this took over a year. We should take care of this issue now. We call on other parties to join us.
This proposal links the minimum wage to 60% of the median wage of full-time workers. That means an increase in the minimum wage to 16 euros per hour now. And in the future the minimum wage cannot drop below 60% of the median wage of full-time workers. This ratio is also recommended by workers' union FNV.
People who work are increasingly in trouble because of the high cost of daily living. At the same time, we see big companies making record profits, as much as 391 billion euros last year. We need to distribute this wealth fairly. Social security does not come naturally; we must ensure that everyone has a livable income. If the minimum wage goes up, then the linked benefits go up with it and wages will get pushed up.
This law will correct historical imbalances and help millions of Dutch people. 440,000 minimum wage workers will benefit directly. Groups just above the minimum wage can also expect an increase in their wages. In total, more than 2.1 million jobs earning less than 130% of the minimum wage would benefit. In addition, it will help those who depend on benefits linked to the minimum wage.