9 December 2022

Investigation into support for Syrian opposition confirms: parliament was lied to

Foto: SP / pxhere.com

'The investigation into Dutch support for the Syrian opposition underlines what the SP and various media have previously stated, parliament was lied to', says SP MP Jasper van Dijk. This is the conclusion of the investigative report of the Cammaert Committee. The government was not honest about the aid programme, which did indeed violate international law and the principle of non-intervention: 'Some elements of the support contravene the prohibition on violence to a limited degree.'

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29 November 2022

SP MP Van Nispen wants rescue plan for sports

Foto: SP

In the recent sports budget debate, the SP argued that sports clubs and facilities such as swimming pools must not close due to increased energy tariffs. We need a rescue plan for sports, says SP MP Michiel van Nispen. The Minister's plan is really too little.

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17 November 2022

Kox on MH-17 court verdict: ‘Justice has been done, no room for impunity'

Foto: SP

Tiny Kox, president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) made the following statement concerning the verdict issued in the MH 17 court case.

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13 November 2022

Abolish profit tax for housing associations

Foto: SP

Housing associations are no commercial companies and therefore should not pay an extra tax intended for tax-evading multinationals. This is the proposal of SP MP Sandra Beckerman. Today, the Lower House will debate the housing budget. Housing corporations are institutions authorised by the minister to regulate our public housing system, and they should be working on lowering rents, improving and making homes more sustainable and building new houses.

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9 November 2022

Asylum plan will maintain unequal distribution of refugees

Foto: SP

'The cabinet's new asylum law is not going to solve the unequal distribution of asylum seekers between rich and poor municipalities,' said SP MP Jasper van Dijk. The poorest 25 per cent of municipalities are already hosting 11,000 refugees this year, while the richest 25 per cent are hosting only 3,300. This inequality is not going to decrease.

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2 November 2022

SP opposes 'casino pensions'

Foto: SP

This month will see the debate on the Future of Pensions Bill. SP MP Bart van Kent: 'If it is up to the government coalition and PvdA/GroenLinks, it will be an uncertain future with casino pensions linked to the up-and-down of the market. We will not accept that uncertainty and worsening.’

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1 November 2022

Parties submit bill to end child labour, exploitation and slavery

Foto: SP

An initiative bill by the SP together with the ChristenUnie, PvdA, GroenLinks, Volt and D66 aims to reduce the international wrongdoings of child labour, modern slavery and environmental damage. The parties want companies operating in the Netherlands to be obliged to do international business with respect for human rights and the environment. This should create a level playing field for business, so that all companies will start to detect and remedy abuses.

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22 October 2022

The SP is 50

Foto: SP

The SP is 50. That means we have been standing up for human dignity, equality and solidarity for fifty years.

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19 October 2022

Victory in Senate: Cabinet pledges additional measures to halve child poverty

Foto: SP

A victory in the fight against child poverty during the general political consultations in the Senate. SP group chairman Rik Janssen called attention to this problem at the start of his speech. A passage in the budget suggested that the cabinet was giving an opening to make the targets around reducing child poverty less harsh.

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