19 September 2023

The Cabinet is allowing poverty to increase – unacceptable!

Foto: SP

The number of people living in poverty will rise again next year. The outgoing Cabinet is failing to keep its promises, not solving problems and only continuing to pick up the pieces. The Dutch Socialist Party wants to see structural solutions that will ensure people can make ends meet.

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17 September 2023

“Prinsjesdag” Protest

Foto: SP

Today, nearly 2000 people gathered to stand up for the Netherlands during the “Prinsjesdag” Protest in The Hague. Days before “Prinsjesdag”, the Dutch Socialist Party wanted to steer the outgoing Cabinet’s plans in another, more social direction.

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7 September 2023

Start of parliamentary inquiry into benefits scandal

Foto: SP

There were years of actions by the SP together with parents from the benefits scandal and debates by Renske Leijten and other SP members in the Lower House. And now, finally, a parliamentary inquiry into the government's fraud policy has started. The inquiry committee began their public hearings this week. The first interviews were held with parents that were harmed in the benefits scandal: Dulce Goncalves-Tavaresen and Gerda and Jurgen Deceuninck.

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1 September 2023

Now for the people: Draft election programme presented

Foto: SP

The SP wants to raise the minimum wage to 16 euros per hour. We want more powers to expropriate property bosses in case of long-term vacancies and we will tackle the market forces in the public sector. SP leader Lilian Marijnissen says the coming elections will be a battle of ideas.

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7 August 2023

We must prevent another Hiroshima

Foto: SP

This week marks 78 years since the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by nuclear bombs. The global impact was enormous, as the movie Oppenheimer shows. The creator of the bomb realised all too well: these weapons must never be used again.
However, the number of states possessing nuclear weapons and the amount of nuclear weapons has grown enormously. Attempts to ban nuclear weapons have been unsuccessful. With the war in Ukraine, Putin has threatened to use nuclear weapons several times. It is time for new initiatives.

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1 August 2023

Lilian Marijnissen elected SP leading candidate

The party council of the SP has elected Lilian Marijnissen as their leading candidate for the upcoming Lower House elections. The party is pleased that Lilian wants to be our leader. Her enthusiasm and commitment are amazing and she knows what she is talking about. The Netherlands needs new, honest politics to rebuild the country and we are proud that Lilian will lead the way.

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12 July 2023

Senate follows SP: cut child poverty in half

The Senate adopted a proposal by the SP to keep to the target of at least halving child poverty in the Netherlands by 2025. Actions should be taken to reduce child poverty as much as possible towards this target next year. The proposal was widely supported, only the PVV voted against it.

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8 July 2023

The government has fallen. We stand up for the Netherlands

The Rutte 4 government has resigned. This is good news for the Netherlands! This cabinet has created more problems than it has solved. It is time for a new, honest government that will deal with high costs, housing shortages and health care deficits. We are ready for new elections. And that is where we need you.

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6 July 2023

Statement of solidarity: The voice of the Iraqi student union will not be silenced

The Socialist Party and SP Jongeren strongly condemn the recent steps taken by the Iraqi government in an attempt to silence The General Union of Students in the Republic of Iraq.

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