
SP opposes 'casino pensions'

2 November 2022

SP opposes 'casino pensions'

Foto: SP

This month will see the debate on the Future of Pensions Bill. SP MP Bart van Kent: 'If it is up to the government coalition and PvdA/GroenLinks, it will be an uncertain future with casino pensions linked to the up-and-down of the market. We will not accept that uncertainty and worsening.’

‘There have been more than 30 rallies around the country and several demonstrations. Today will see another full public gallery in the Lower House. This is how we are fighting for a good and index-linked pension.'
People from all over the country came to The Hague to follow the debate and engage with SP party chair Lilian Marijnissen and Bart van Kent.

For more than 14 years, there has been very little indexation of pensions. This is in stark contrast to the more than 1,500 billion euros in pension funds. Promises from the pension agreement are being broken. The lack of an early retirement scheme forces people to work until they drop. The minister must give clarity on the up to 100 billion cost of rebuilding our pensions differently (abolishing the average system).

We do not want a pensions bill which tries to move pension assets from our solidarity-based system of pension funds to a system with profit-based insurers. With minor adjustments, the current pension system can be made fit for the future, no need for this pension debacle.

The happy retirement of young people, working people and pensioners is at stake. The SP will fight in the Lower House against the foolishness of the Future Pensions Bill. But our opposition goes further. The Senate, too, will have to consider the pension deal. We will not accept gambling with your pension.

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