26 January 2021

After a ‘political thriller’ the referendum has passed the senate

Foto: SP

A ‘political thriller’, is what D66-senator Boris Dittrich called the debate in the First Chamber on Wednesday. The former political leader and current thriller-writer did not stoop to these words on accident. In the Second Chamber, the debate of the day was on the fall of the government, and the child-support affair, which also exposed the gap between the policy machines in The Hague and life of the people in the country. Whilst the Second Chamber debated on the crisis in politics, the First chamber spoke about my proposal for a binding corrective referendum, which could contribute to restoring the confidence in politics.

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21 January 2021

Parliament supports sp: tackle companies that break the corona-measures

Foto: SP

In the debate on extra corona measures a majority of the parliament supported the initiative of the SP (together with GroenLinks, VVD and CDA) to ensure that companies who force their employees to unnecessarily work in office through a contact point, a team of inspectors and stricter regulations. The SP also supported the initiative to set the curfew half an hour later – at nine PM. 

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20 January 2021

SP wants parliamentary inquiry in social benefits affair: for a fair government

Foto: SP

In the debate regarding the fall of the cabinet because of the social benefits affair, SP-leader Lilian Marijnissen suggested a parliamentary inquiry. The heaviest means the parliament has. Marijnissen: ‘If you say ‘never again’ it’s vital that we understand what has happened and how we can prevent it in the fraud hunt. Then we can learn lessons from the past and draw conclusions to ensure this will never happen again in the future. And only then can we build toward a fair government.'

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15 January 2021

Resignation of the cabinet paves the way for a fairer Netherlands

Foto: SP

Ten thousands of people were the victim of a government which, without any attention to the human dimension, crushed people. People have been discriminated, have lost their job, car, and sometimes even their house. Relationships have stranded. And people are still in misery. Marijnissen: ‘Political responsibility has been taken rightly for causing this misery. It is now up to the voters to decide whether the parties and persons who caused this damage are credible enough to mend it. 

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14 January 2021

Van Dijk: Ban on foreign funding of religious institutes

Foto: SP

The SP wants a ban on foreign funding of religious institutes in the Netherlands. Member of Parliament for the SP Jasper van Dijk makes this proposal in response to the investigation into unwanted financing from foreign countries on which the House debates on Thursday. 
Earlier, it had already surfaced that at least thirty Islamic organisations in the Netherlands requested or received funding from Gulf states over the last years. It concerns millions of euros from countries like Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi-Arabia. The commission concludes that with this, anti-democratic ideas are being funded. 

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12 January 2021

SP launches a call to increase the wages

Foto: SP

‘For years many people have not received a fair income, whilst company’s profits have exploded. That can and must change. On paper, there is a political majority to increase minimum wages by at least 10%. We are calling on these parties to not only say but do so.’ SP-leader Lilian Marijnissen did this call during an online meeting of the SP on Fair Income.

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17 December 2020

Marijnissen on the report of the tax office benefits scandal: “enough is enough”

Foto: SP

The parliamentary examination commission which researched the tax office benefits scandal has presented their final report. For Socialist Party leader Lilian Marijnissen, the outcome is clear: ‘The report is very tough. And that’s completely justified, because thousands of affected parents and their children have been crushed by a monstrous machine that we call the government. Again, the Netherlands must face the facts: ten years of Rutte has resulted in a rotten system in which the government is not the ally of the people, but its enemy.’

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30 November 2020

Statement of solidarity with political prisoners Kurdish HDP

Foto: SP

In an open letter the National Party Council of the Socialist Party of the Netherlands expresses its deep and sincere solidarity and friendship with their comrades Demirtas, Figen Yüksekdag of the Kurdish HDP. Demirtas and Yüksekdag as well as all other members and representatives of HDP who have been unlawfully imprisoned by the Turkish authorities and deprived from their fundamental freedoms and rights.

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16 November 2020

SP-senator Gerkens appointed as key leader of democracy advocacy organization IPU

Foto: SP

SP-senator Arda Gerkens has been appointed President of the Geo Political Group Twelve Plus, a co-ordinating body which brings together National Groups within the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the IPU. The 12+ group is composed of members from countries whose parliaments are based on multi-party democracies and other democratic principles as enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights.

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