26 April 2021

Protest against persecution of HDP politicians in Turkey

Foto: SP

On Monday April 26th the ‘Kobani-trial’ started against 108 members of the HDP, a party representing approximately 10% of the electorate in Turkey. Amongst the politicians on trial are the former co-chairs of the HDP, Selahattin Demirtas and Figen Yuksekdag, who have been incarcerated for years by the Turkish authorities based on a false claim of being involved in terrorist actions. The Kobani-trial is a political trial in which HDP-politicians face absurdly high prison sentences, with the purpose to squash the Kurdish and leftist opposition. For that reason the trial receives harsh criticism throughout the world. 

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2 March 2021

Statement of solidarity with progressive journalism in India

In a statement the SP expresses its solidarity with the staff and readers of progressive Indian news site News Click, who’ve felt victim to increased intimidation by the far-right Indian Government. 

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11 February 2021

Success! Partner leave extended

Foto: SP

Parents need to get a better chance to share the care for their new-born child more equally. That is why the SP successfully proposed extending the partner leave. The parliament now agrees with the SP that the partner leave should be extended to twelve weeks.

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11 February 2021

Success! There will be a parliamentary inquiry on the social benefits affair

Foto: SP

On the initiative of the SP, a parliamentary inquiry will be held on anti-fraud campaigns by government services. The SP, fronted by Renske Leijten, wished the parliament would employ the heaviest means available. SP-leader Lilian Marijnissen: ‘It took almost two years, but perseverance pays off. Now we can really break open the cesspool of the benefits affair. The parents deserve justice, and the Netherlands deserves a fair government.’

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11 February 2021

Success! Proposal adopted regarding the sharing of knowledge and rights of pharmaceutical companies for the production of coronavirus vaccines

Foto: SP

A proposal by the SP and D66 to increase pressure on pharmaceutical companies to share their knowledge and rights for the production of coronavirus vaccines has been adopted in parliament. With this, the government is instructed to put words into action considering the Netherlands’ support of the knowledge pool of the WHO.

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2 February 2021

Parliament supports sp: teachers in primary- and higher education deserve the same wage

Foto: SP

For four years, teachers in primary education have been fighting for better wages and less work pressure. The demand? The same wages as their colleagues in high schools. Until now, the political establishment were cross.

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2 February 2021

Success: students help children who struggle with the lockdown

Foto: SP

Tuesday, the parliament supported a proposal of the SP and VVD to help youths who get in to trouble during the lockdown. Students who want to become teachers or social workers can, as a job or as an internship, help youngsters who get in to trouble due to the corona crisis.

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2 February 2021

Alkaya wants investigation on powerful investors

Foto: SP

Over the last week it became painfully clear how the financial sector and casino capitalism works. On the stock market, large investors, so called ‘hedge funds’ had betted large sums on the demise of an American computer game chain store, Gamestop. When masses gathered on the internet to keep the company up and running by buying stocks on a large scale, these investors started losing money. Because powerful capitalists came under pressure, the rules of the market were suddenly changed.

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26 January 2021

Success: better wages for health care professionals

Foto: SP

Finally, the proposal to increase wages for health care professionals has been adopted. On various occasions, leader of the SP Lilian Marijnissen, submitted proposals for a fair reward for our health care professionals. It should not be limited to applause only. On September 5th, we held the largest online manifestation on the Malieveld ever, and we collected more than 120.000 signatures for a fair reward. 

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