Success! Partner leave extended
Success! Partner leave extended

Parents need to get a better chance to share the care for their new-born child more equally. That is why the SP successfully proposed extending the partner leave. The parliament now agrees with the SP that the partner leave should be extended to twelve weeks.
SP-leader Lilian Marijnissen: ‘This is a step forward for parents. In this way, the care for the child rests less exclusively on the shoulders of the mother. The partner receives more space and a better chance to be fully involved in caring for the baby. Partners can spend more time with their new-born child. It’s important for both parents and the child! In this way, care duties can be divided more equally.’
Currently, a partner can only get five days of paid parental leave after the day of birth. Additionally, a partner can request 70%-pay parental leave for five weeks. Herewith, the Netherlands lags behind multiple European countries.