30 June 2021

Joint statement: EU summit must act to halt Erdoğan’s war on democracy

Foto: SP

Denouncing President Erdoğan’s onslaught on the democratic opposition in Turkey, The Left in the European Parliament, together with the Unified European Left at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe - chaired by SP-senator Tiny Kox - urge the EU to speak out against authoritarian repression in the country as leaders gather for this week’s summit in Brussels.

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22 June 2021

SP success: Solar panels on as many roofs as possible

Last week, the parliament supported a proposal by the SP to place solar panels on as many roofs as possible. Earlier, the SP presented a plan for 'sun on all roofs' ('zon op alle daken'). SP MP Renske Leijten: 'It is imperative that we fight the climate crisis. With this adopted proposal, we do this in a way that includes people instead of forcing them to bear the costs. Moreover, with this plan, the energy bill can also be reduced.'

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15 June 2021

SP Success: Parliament wants to ban the killing of millions of baby roosters

Foto: SP

Every year 40 million baby roosters are killed in the Netherlands, often on the same day they are born. The young roosters are gassed because they have no 'economic use'. Cruel and unnecessary, because there are alternatives.

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9 June 2021

Alkaya: No government support when company’s CEO receives bonuses

Foto: SP

Companies provided with government support during the COVID-crisis should not be paying bonuses. If they still do, they must be excluded from any future support payed for by taxpayers. That is the proposition that SP-representative Mahir Alkaya will be making during the 'accountability debate' held today in the house of representatives.
Alkaya: 'We see it happening at Booking.com, we see it at KLM; moneygrubbing directors who, despite their business accepting billions in COVID-related government support, are still receiving millions in bonuses. Because many major CEOs lack a moral compass, it befalls the government to set a clear course here. Companies who's directors get bonuses while receiving taxpayer money, as far as I'm concerned, will be excluded from future support measures, will not be invited along on trade missions, and will not be receiving financing from the national growth fund any longer. If the cabinet only keeps barking at these CEOs, but never bites, then the SP will.'

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7 June 2021

A win! Booking.com pays back corona aid

Foto: SP

Request corona aid, but then use it to pay out a fat bonus? Booking.com wanted to abuse the corona aid they received from the government to pay 28 million in bonuses. Under heavy pressure, Booking.com will now be repaying the 65 million corona aid to the government. 'Very rightly so', says SP Member of Parliament Bart van Kent. 'We have campaigned strongly against this abuse of corona aid, and our proposal to have Booking.com pay it back has received the support of an overwhelming majority in the House of Representatives.' Booking.com has now succumbed to the pressure.

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1 June 2021

Van Dijk: Ministry of Defence leaves victims of hazardous substances out to dry

Foto: SP / pxhere.com

In the past decades, hundreds of thousands of people in the military have had to work with hazardous substances without protection. As a result, many of them are currently seriously ill or deceased. 'Chromium-6' is a well-known example, but the military works with 5000 hazardous substances, of which no fewer than 500 are carcinogenic. For years, employees and their relatives have been engaged in a political and legal battle against the government: for recognition and fair treatment, yet they have been opposed at every turn. The RIVM, on monday, released a report on working with toxic substances, which shows that many more people have been exposed to the substances. At the same time the cabinet announced what the compensation scheme for victims should look like.

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27 May 2021

Van Nispen: Our safety at risk due to Brussels fire department regulations

Foto: SP

The Dutch fire department is under great pressure. The fire department increasingly has to turn out with fewer people or with less equipment. European plans to limit volunteerism in the fire service are now also threatening a large exodus among volunteers. As far as the SP is concerned, we will not let that happen. 

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27 May 2021

No profit on pandemic: European Parliament adopts proposal to waiver intellectual property right on COVID-19 vaccines

Last week the European Parliament approved a resolution to tackle the AIDS epidemic which includes a Left demand for waiving intellectual property rights on COVID-19 vaccines. This makes production and distribution of these badly needed medicines cheaper and easier. 

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14 May 2021

Jasper van Dijk - More is needed for lasting peace than a denunciation of Israeli violence

Foto: SP

There is a structural cause that causes the violence in the region to flare up regularly. It is rooted in the occupation policy that Israel has been pursuing for decades.

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