Parliament supports sp: tackle companies that break the corona-measures
Parliament supports sp: tackle companies that break the corona-measures

In the debate on extra corona measures a majority of the parliament supported the initiative of the SP (together with GroenLinks, VVD and CDA) to ensure that companies who force their employees to unnecessarily work in office through a contact point, a team of inspectors and stricter regulations. The SP also supported the initiative to set the curfew half an hour later – at nine PM.
‘For us it was really not acceptable that the government requests such a heavy sacrifice from a lot of people with these extra corona measures, amongst them the curfew, but that companies who force their employees to work in office, whilst they can just as well work at home, go free’, states SP-leader Lilian Marijnissen. ‘Fortunately, this is now going to happen, and air traffic from risk areas is finally being restricted.’
However, this does not make the SP’s choice an easy one, according to Marijnissen. ‘These extra measures are a heavy toll for a lot of people. But if we do nothing, the British variant of the corona virus will spread exponentially, overfilling the hospitals, resulting in the health care sector not being able to handle it, and then the Netherlands will be locked for a long period of time. That, we absolutely don’t want. Additionally, we see how difficult children have it, now that they cannot go to school. Especially at-risk children run into educational disadvantages and feel lonely without school. We hope the schools can safely open as soon as possible, and that these measures help speed up the process.'