SP launches a call to increase the wages
SP launches a call to increase the wages

‘For years many people have not received a fair income, whilst company’s profits have exploded. That can and must change. On paper, there is a political majority to increase minimum wages by at least 10%. We are calling on these parties to not only say but do so.’ SP-leader Lilian Marijnissen did this call during an online meeting of the SP on Fair Income.
This call comes on the day that the CDA actually retracted their support for an increased minimum wage. Marijnissen taunts the decision of the CDA. Marijnissen: ‘The number of millionaires has grown the last couple of years, but the number of people living poverty, too. Especially now, it’s important to stop this dichotomy. And what does the CDA do? They retract their support for an increased minimum wage. Incomprehensible.’
The SP submitted the Fair Income Law, which ensures that the minimum wage increases to 14 euro. During the corona crisis, it again became apparent how crucial some professions are to our society. From healthcare professionals to shop-assistants, from bus drivers to teachers. Without them, and many others, society simply does not function. And at the same time, these are the people being paid the worst. And these are the people that paid the bill of our last crisis. Therefore, the call for a fair income for everyone has become even louder because of the corona crisis.