
Nieuws uit 2011

2 May 2011

‘Death of Bin Laden has mostly symbolic significance’

‘With the death of Osama bin Laden an important symbol of terrorism has ceased to be, and I can well imagine the joy of many Americans. On the other hand, we must wait and see what this means for the fight against terrorism,’ says SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel. ‘There are after all many groups which feel an affinity for Al Qaida or which operate under that name.’

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23 April 2011

Kunduz – conditions placed on Green Left’s support have not been fulfilled

'The conditions that the Green Left parliamentary group has imposed on its support for a police training mission to the Afghan province of Kunduz are far from having been fulfilled,’ says SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel. Foreign affairs spokesman Van Bommel bases his assertion on the results of a detailed investigation carried out by his party’s research department. ‘If Green Left votes next week to support participation in this mission, its credibility will be blown,’ he adds.

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22 April 2011

SP Senator Tiny Kox on working visit to Tunis: Libyan war menacing Tunisian revolution

‘Tunisia is continuing to build peacefully on its revolution. On 24th July the Tunisian people will go to the polling booths for their very first free elections. But the war in Libya threatens the progress made in Tunisia. Large numbers of refugees, little trade and falling tourism mean that the economy is in a wretched state. And that also carries political risks.’ This was how SP Senator Tiny Kox, president of the United European Left in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) summarised the situation in Tunisia. As part of a Council of Europe delegation which included the heads of each of the PACE political groups, Kox this week visited the country where in January the Arab Spring began with the forcing out of the dictator Ben Ali after twenty-three years of rule.

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20 April 2011

Euro-MPs to investigate Niger Delta issue

The meeting at the European Parliament
The meeting at the European Parliament

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20 April 2011

Senate to government: Hands off the European Court of Human Rights

The government’s plan to tie the hands of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) can now, thanks to an overwhelming vote in the Senate, be binned. A huge majority of Senators voted to express the view that Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal had presented no argument that could possibly persuade them to approve his plan to interfere in the jurisdiction of Europe’s highest court. SP Senator Tiny Kox describes himself as ‘delighted’ by the vote. “The Senate has taken a firm stand in favour of the unique protection afforded to all Europeans on the basis of the European Convention on Human Rights and the fact that they can go to the ECHR in Strasbourg to enforce these rights. The government should be ashamed of itself.”

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19 April 2011

De Jong: campaign against EU economic ‘six-pack’

The SP in the European Parliament will be campaigning against the EU’s crisis package. Dubbed the ‘economic six-pack’, the package was approved today in the EP Economic Committee. SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong said that the six-pack ‘will only lead to austerity and wage restraint, and the Netherlands will get nothing from it but a massive hangover. Brussels should keep its talons off our pensions, wages and public spending.’

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