
Nieuws uit 2009

10 May 2009

SP corrects European Commission on size of EU bureaucracy

According to Dutch European Commissioner for competition policy Neelie Kroes, the European Union is not overburdened with bureaucrats. She questioned the SP's estimate that there are 170,000 people working for the EU bureaucracySP number one candidate Dennis de Jong explains why the figure is accurate and how it was arrived at.

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8 May 2009

The Godfather of Europe: Verhofstadt's threats

The ex-Prime Minister of Belgium, right wing liberal Guy Verhofstadt, is issuing threats. In his view Europeans have the choice between superstate Europe on the one hand and nationalism on the other, to which he then immediately adds: "And you know what nationalism did to Europe. It gave us a terrible century and millions of deaths."

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8 May 2009

The governor of Farah

Farshad Bashirby Farshad Bashir.

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7 May 2009

Liotard: ‘Protect the neutrality of the Internet'

On Wednesday 6th May the European Parliament voted in favour of a report on the so-called 'Telecom package', though they also supported an SP_backed amendment which will protect the civil rights of Internet users. The ostensible aim of the proposed legislation is the creation of a uniform telecoms market and the reinforcement of consumers' rights. Amendments were presented, however, which if carried would make it possible for both public authorities and Internet providers to monitor users' data traffic and place restrictions on individual users suspected of breach of copyright. Opposing these moves, SP Euro-MP Kartika Liotard said that that the priority must be the preservation of the neutrality of the Internet. As the vote showed, the European Parliament majority was in substantial agreement with this standpoint.

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7 May 2009

'Referendum on Turkish EU membership'

“In the discussion on Turkey's accession to the European Union everyone is talking over people's heads." So said SP number one candidate Dennis de Jong on Thursday evening during the debate between leading candidates of Dutch political parties on national TV. “Turkey as things stand cannot be allowed into the EU," he added. "And if in the near future our government thinks that all conditions for accession have been met, it should call a referendum so that the people can express their views. This would show that you're taking people seriously.”

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6 May 2009

Nuclear disarmament must be set on a swifter course

Obama's pronouncement that the world should be rid of nuclear weapons is highly promising. At the same time, political realities are rather more stubborn, and there will be considerable dawdling along the way to a nuclear weapon-free world.

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