
Nieuws uit 2009

17 May 2009

Milk in Europe

On 29th January 1909 a dozen or so farmers in a pub in the village of Oud-Gastel signed a contract to deliver milk from their herds – a total of two hundred cows – to a newly-established dairy factory. Supply was thereby assured and the factory could begin production.

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17 May 2009

Dennis de Jong: ‘East European gay emancipation must come from below’

Yesterday's SP solidarity demonstration in Amsterdam in support of the Gay Pride march in Latvia's capital, Riga, was a major success. The parade in Latvia was free of any violent incidents, according to Latvian organisations of gays and Lesbians. Dennis de Jong used the SP demonstration to issue a call, in Russian, to the Russian government to put an end to discrimination against homosexuals.

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15 May 2009

SP lead candidate presents top five examples of EU neoliberal lunacy

Dennis de Jong, Number One candidate on the SP list for the European elections, will use this evening's trade union debate in Utrecht to present the five worst examples of senseless projects from Brussels. According to De Jong, these five examples demonstrate how great the influence of Brussels on everyday life has become. "Brussels is so meddlesome that they are telling the member states how the public sector should be organised and even how much some people should be paid. This has gone much too far. Things which can be better done by ourselves in the Netherlands should not be left to the EU."

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15 May 2009

Taxpayers' money used to finance Labour Europropaganda campaign: SP demands explanation

The SP has, not for the first time, tabled questions to the Christian Democrat-Labour coalition government on the subject of Labour's apparent policy of using public money to further the party's ends, rather than the national interest. Labour Party (PvdA) Secretary of State for Europe Frans Timmermans set off last week, along with a coterie of Labour's great and good, on a pro-EU tour organised by a bureau of prominent PvdA personalities, This would have been unobjectionable had it been financed by the PvdA, rather than by the taxpayer.

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15 May 2009

SP presents crisis plan

Number one SP European Parliament election candidate Dennis de Jong today presented the Netherlands' biggest trade union federation, the FNV, with the party's crisis-busting plan 'Less Brussels: our answer to the crisis'. Together with SP Members of Parliament Paul Ulenbelt and Sadet Karabulut, De Jong participated in today's trade union demonstration in Brussels, calling for protection for workers, who are now being made to pay for a crisis which they had no hand in bringing about.

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11 May 2009

‘Governing in coalition with the PVV is not an option for the SP’

SP leader Agnes Kant was asked this weekend whether the SP could imagine participating in a government with Geert Wilders' PVV, the Freedom Party, a wholly new party which some polls say now has more support than any established political force. In most countries the question would be absurd: the SP is the most progressive party in the Dutch parliament, while the PVV is a right-wing 'populist' party with a distinctly racist message. In the Netherlands, however, which is invariably ruled by coalitions which can include a wide spectrum of parties, it was a reasonable thing to ask, and the SP was happy to answer it in a way which cleared up any confusion. “Where possible we will always cooperate with other parties," said Kant, "even in some circumstances with the PVV. But being in government with the PVV isn't an option for us. They are much too committed to a neoliberal approach, and moreover they want to see discriminatory policies. We can't go along with that."

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