
Nieuws uit 2016

26 January 2016

Syria: ‘More bombs, more war, more refugees'

Foto: SP

Plans of the governing centre-right VVD and centre left PvdA (Labour Party) coalition to bomb Syria will lead to a further escalation of violence. 'This is an incomprehensible turn-around from Labour,' says SP leader Emile Roemer. 'Yet more bombs will lead to ever more refugees. We should not be dropping bombs but food parcels for the people suffering under ISIS and the Assad-regime.’

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21 January 2016

Ukraine referendum: European Parliament not confident of a ‘yes’

Foto: SP

The European Parliament is set to vote today to approve a resolution on the Association Agreements with Ukraine, Georgia and Moldavia. The motion calls for rapid visa liberalisation and intensification of cooperation between the EU and these countries. The resolution also, however, expresses concern about ‘the context in which the Netherlands’ Ukraine referendum is taking place’ and the hope that ‘the Dutch people will judge the agreement on its advantages, including for the EU and for the Netherlands.’ Commenting on the text, SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong said: ‘By the context the EP can only mean the unpopularity of the government of Mark Rutte. Evidently the Prime Minister’s performance this week in Strasbourg has not given the Parliament any confidence that the referendum will result in a “yes”. That’s something which should give him cause for concern.’

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21 January 2016

SP’s message to Brussels: ‘Hands off our ports!’

Foto: SP

SP Member of Parliament Farshad Bashir is furious over interference from Brussels in the taxation of Dutch port companies. The European Commission insists that the nationalised port companies of Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Zeeland, Den Helder, Groningen and Moerdijk should pay corporation tax on their profits. By not doing so, the Commission argues, they represent unfair competition with ports in other countries. Bashir, SP spokesman on both taxation issues and water transport, points out that ‘this tax ruling dates back to the 1950s. Given that these are state-owned corporations, it makes sense to exempt them from taxation. If they now have to pay taxes, it will cost a lot of jobs.’

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19 January 2016

Smaller firms must look out for their own interests on the digital market

Foto: SP

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the digital internal market. For the SP, the most important interests in this are those of the consumer, and those of small businesses, as SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong explains: ´When it comes to the digital market there’s a danger that the European Commission will go too far. They originally wanted, for example, to make it obligatory for firms to offer their products on line to consumers in every member state, which wasn’t exactly handy for, for example, the local bakers who’ve just set up their own website. Fortunately the EP accepted my amendment to the effect that shops aiming at a local or regional market could pursue the same policy on line.’

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18 January 2016

SP leader Emile Roemer: Who owns the world?

The sixty-two richest people on earth own as much as do the poorer half of the world’s population, a total of 3.5 billion people. This is the scandal of our times. So much wealth among so few people and a growing group with virtually nothing at all. This disrupts society.

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11 January 2016

Harry van Bommel: Stop selling arms to Riyadh

An arms embargo on Saudi Arabia is needed in the fight against terror, argue Members of Parliament Harry van Bommel of the SP and Sjoerd Sjoerdsma of D66.

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