
Nieuws uit 2016

27 July 2016

Tensions in the Turkish-Dutch population: SP urges parliamentary hearing

Foto: SP

The SP wants the national parliament in The Hague to organise an official hearing with Turkish-Dutch organisations over how they can contribute to reducing tensions in the Dutch-Turkish population in the wake of the failed coup d’état in their country of origin. Social Affairs Minister Lodewijk Asscher has for some time been conducting an enquiry into the management and influence on integration of a number of organisations which have close links to the Turkish government. However, while tensions between certain groups of Turkish-Dutch people are on the rise, there can be no question of a change in integration policy. “In our view the government must end any association with organisations which are extensions of Turkish politics,” says Sadet Karabulut.’

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25 July 2016

The true face of the EU

What many in the offices in Brussels had not believed possible has nevertheless occurred: the British voted against continued membership of the European Union. The system must be transformed root-and-branch, a fact which has already been proved by the haughty nature of the reactions. Now the dust-clouds surrounding the referendum have cleared, ‘Brussels’ is showing its true face.

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21 July 2016

Sadet Karabulut answers questions on the attempted coup in Turkey and what it means for the Netherlands

Foto: SP

Last Friday the Turkish army attempted to effect a coup d’état to bring about the fall of the government. The coup failed, but the consequences for the country are huge. President Erdogan reacted with mass arrests, and with the suspension and sacking of tens of thousands of judges, civil servants, academics and others. Opposition news sites have been blocked and journalists’ press cards removed. Moreover, military personnel who carried out the coup have been severely maltreated. There has even been talk of reintroducing the death penalty. Meanwhile, tensions in the Netherlands are rising. Five questions to SP Member of Parliament Sadet Karabulut on the events of the past week.

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15 July 2016

Harry van Bommel: The war which should never have begun and the perpetrators who walk free

Published last week, the Chilcot report on British involvement in the war on Iraq has demonstrated once more the immense fiasco that this rash military foreign adventure became. It speaks of moral bankruptcy that those who played the leading roles have still not, thirteen years on from the criminal decision to invade Iraq, been forced to face up to their responsibility.

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15 July 2016

Roemer: An attack on freedom

Foto: SP

SP leader Emile Roemer reacted with shock to the attack in Nice. “On the day that France celebrated the country's freedom, freedom was attacked,” he said. “A terrible event for all the victims, their families and the entire French people. This is an attack on everyone who wants to live in freedom. We share the sorrow of the French people, but together we must also do all we can to combat this terrorist violence.”

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11 July 2016

Malmström puts profit before climate in TTIP

Foto: Sudika

The SP is furious about freshly leaked TTIP-documents which show that the European Commission is proposing to allow shale gas on to the European market while undermining incentives to promote green energy. The documents represent the European starting position for the new round of negotiations on the controversial trade treaty taking place this week.

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