
Nieuws uit 2012

20 November 2012

Has new Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans also abandoned the Palestinians?

Uri Rosenthal may no longer be Foreign Minister, but his political spirit appears still to dominate the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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20 November 2012

De Jong: European social democrats must distance themselves from Dutch Labour Party’s right-wing policies

The European Parliament appears to be supporting the member state government leaders’ austerity policies. This emerged this morning during the debate on the Parliament’s proposals on combating the crisis. SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong directed his comments during the debate not only to fellow MEPs, but also to the Dutch government and its policies. ‘That the Dutch Labour Party is going along with these austerity policies is completely incomprehensible,’ he said. ‘I call on social democrats in the European Parliament to distance themselves from their Dutch colleagues and to support instead an intelligent and therefore a flexible application of the 3% norm. Only in this way can Europe’s economies be put back on their feet.’

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19 November 2012

End support for illegal settlements

The designation 'Made in Israel' on a range of products can be deceptive, as they may also come from the illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories of Palestine. The customs service must exercise stricter controls.

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18 November 2012

Merkies: Greek debt annulment unavoidable

The government must abandon its resistance to annulment of the Greek debt. Postponement would only mean still more damage to both the Greek and the Dutch economy, argues SP Member of Parliament and economics spokesman Arnold Merkies in the run-up to the debate on his initiative on Greece. ‘Spending cuts are not going to reverse the current economic shrinkage,’ says Merkies. 'Such cuts will even work in the opposite direction. At the same time EU governments have only saddled Greece with more debts. A one-off total solution is needed so that confidence in the Greek economy is restored. Otherwise, the danger is that later costs will be still higher.’

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13 November 2012

De Jong will cross-examine European Commission candidate

SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong will today question candidate for the European Commission Tonio Borg during a hearing in the European Parliament. Borg, who is Maltese, has been nominated as replacement, to take office next month, for the Commissioner for health and consumer rights John Dalli, who has gone as a result of an investigation into his close links with the tobacco lobby. ‘A European Commissioner, and certainly a Commissioner for health and consumer rights, should not be secretive over his contacts with the tobacco lobby,’ says De Jong, ‘so I want Borg to say how he plans to dispel the smokescreen surrounding the tobacco lobby.’

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9 November 2012

Greek rescue package is a lead lifebelt

In the media it received only limited attention, but this week the whole of Greece was turned upside down as a general strike paralysed much of the country just as the Greek Parliament was giving its agreement to the latest round of austerity. The economy is shrinking, people are getting poorer by the day or emigrating. With the situation so explosive, we present this short report.

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