
Nieuws uit 2013

6 November 2013

SP Senator Kox: ‘EU has a blind spot for the negative consequences of labour migration’

‘The government’s proposal to improve the rules on the entry of poorly paid and poorly educated labour from outside the European Union is sensible and has our support. But it is sad that we can no longer, from January 1st, 2014, within the EU establish these kinds of rules when it comes to restricting the entry of Bulgarian and Romanian workers.’ This was how SP Senator Tiny Kox expressed both praise for but also criticism of government policy during the debate in the Senate on the revision of the Law on Foreign Labour.

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6 November 2013

De Jong: EU Expert Groups no longer wholly in grip of big firms

A year ago, on an initiative from the SP, the European Commission undertook to effect a thorough reform of the nine hundred EU Expert Groups, bodies appointed to advise the Commission on policy. The aim was to ensure that the groups would no longer be dominated by lobbyists from major corporations, but would also be representative of small business, trade unions, consumer bodies and environmentalist organisations. The group of like-minded MEPs, led by the SP’s Dennis de Jong, who conducted the talks with the Commission, today drew up the balance-sheet of progress made since the undertaking was given. ’it’s not yet time for a celebratory end to our work,’ De Jong stresses. ‘There’s still a great deal missing, which is why we’ve presented the Commission with an updated wishlist. At the same time we’re appreciative of the fact that progress has already been made and that the expert groups operate in a much more transparent fashion than they did a year ago.’

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5 November 2013

SP proposals for preserving small shops supported by European Parliament

The Internal Market Committee today adopted the report by SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong on the retail trade. The report will be voted on at the plenary on 10th December and is expected to be carried without further amendment. ‘It’s really important that the available range of shops remain diverse,’ says De Jong. ‘Not only chains, but also independent shops are important to the consumer. In my report I establish that Brussels should not be interfering with local authorities which, by means of diversification policy, want to give small shops a fair chance. They can also help shops via lower taxes, or rent subsidies. A lively shopping street is of enormous importance to a town or village, not only economically but for the social function of a centre.’

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5 November 2013

De Jong: Barroso fails to combat errors in spending of EU moneys

For the nineteenth year in succession the European court of Auditors has failed to give its complete approval to the accounts of expenditure of EU moneys. Commenting on the Auditors’ decision, SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong says: ‘Not only has once again no approval been given, for the fourth year in a row the percentage of errors has increased. The Commission under Jose Barroso’s leadership has recorded absolutely no results in this area. The situation has simply got worse.’ The Commission is now seeking a solution in the form of establishing a European Office of Public Prosecutions charged with investigating and prosecuting fraud in the member states. National parliaments have used the yellow card procedure, which enables them to reject proposals, to do just that, as it is a disproportionate and probably also ineffective means of combatting fraud in relation to EU money. ‘Instead of wasting its time on this no-hope project,’ says De Jong, ‘the Commission should demand a declaration of accounts from each member state, while reforming its own anti-fraud institution, OLAF, so that the quality of investigations is greatly improved.’

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5 November 2013

Defence Ministry ambitions are too great

The budget for defence has been increasingly stripped to the bare bone, and yet continues to be called upon by the government to manage all kinds of operations, an impossible and even dangerous assignment. It’s time it was given a realistic range of tasks. • Jasper van Dijk is a Member of Parliament for the SP.

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5 November 2013

SP proposal supported as European Parliament calls for better protection for air passengers

The European Parliament wants to see more protection for air travellers than the European Commission is proposing, according to the result of today’s vote in the Internal Market Committee. SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong, commenting on the vote, says that ‘my proposals that passengers who are unable to board their first flight should not be excluded for longer than the next flight or return flight were adopted. So soon you will no longer have to waste your entire holiday if you miss the outward flight.’

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