SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong will tomorrow express his support for the actions of hundreds of angry lorry drivers from the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg and France who are together protesting against the evasion of social rights by, amongst others, what are known as ‘box number companies’. This term refers to corporations established in reality in one member state of the European Union, who register in another where tax rates are lower or labour laws laxer. ‘This action comes just at the right time,’ says De Jong, ‘in the light of the threat from European Commission vice-president Sim Kallas to bring forward proposals in the near future for the liberalisation of domestic road transport. That would signal the end for the Dutch transport sector. In addition, we must put a stop to the evasion of collective labour agreements by means of shadowy and illegal constructions. This was confirmed by the Commission earlier in the year in response to my questions. As things stand, supervision and enforcement of these rules is failing.’
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