'Wherever there is injustice, There we will be found'
'Wherever there is injustice, There we will be found'
Statement form the Dutch Socialist Party after the national elections

A combative Emile Roemer addressed hundreds of SP members in the 'Paard van Troje' (Trojan Horse) venue in The Hague (Den Haag). The SP held on, despite a fiercely fought two-horse race between the PvdA (Labour Party) and the VVD (centre-right liberals), to its fifteen seats. 'Yes. I am extremely proud of this party and of the million people who voted for us,' said Roemer. 'And yes, I am also disappointed. That is logical when only a short time ago we stood so high in the polls. But that disappointment will last around five minutes. Our campaign for the next election begins – as is always the case with the SP – today.'
During his speech Roemer thanked the million people who voted today for the SP and congratulated the VVD, the PvdA, and newcomer 50+ (Pensioners' Party) for their electoral performance. 'We fought a good campaign,' said Emile Roemer. 'More people than ever took part. Every town, every village, every street, every factory, we could be found there. I want to thank all of those people. The number of our volunteers has grown, the number of our members has grown enormously and our message can count on broad support. What we have not yet succeeded in doing is in persuading people that our party can also really govern. That is the next step.'
Roemer ended his speech with a firm promise to the million people who entrusted their vote to the SP. 'We owe a debt to these people,' he said. 'They have put their faith in us, that is the highest praise that people can give you. We will keep on fighting, and wherever there is injustice we will be found. Whether we are in government or not, they are going to come up against us, inside and outside parliament. This party is as solid as a house. Yesterday, today and tomorrow.'