
Nieuws uit 2010

16 June 2010

EU Parliament stops Brussels' meddling with craft butchers and bakers

SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong has welcomed the result of today's vote on food labelling. "During last year's election campaign for the European Parliament, we stood four square with traditional producers who want to avoid being buried under European labelling prescriptions which are impossible to implement. Bakers and butchers would have been obliged to stick enormous labels to their unpackaged products. For small independent producers this would have lead to unacceptable costs."

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15 June 2010

No to aid money for free World Cup press trip

The SP is urging Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen to put an immediate stop to subsidies, paid for out of the budget for development aid, for journalistic jollies to the World Cup. In a written parliamentary question, SP Members of Parliament Ewout Irrgang and Jasper van Dijk today called on the minister to act to stop such trips.

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13 June 2010

The National Parliamentary Elections and Europe

Europe was hardly discussed during the campaign for the elections to the Netherlands' national parliament. During a debate on the state television channel NOS, SP leader Emile Roemer laid out his plans for how the EU could be made a more 'social Europe'. Other parties, particularly the right-wing VVD and the far right PVV, limited themselves to the issue of reducing the contribution to Brussels through spending cuts. But beyond that we heard very little about Europe, which is a pity, because in relation to every subject which was debated, and above all the cuts, Europe played a role in the background and will, perhaps, soon be playing an important role in the foreground.

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10 June 2010

'Big possibility that the SP will be needed as partner in government'

15 newly elected representatives recieve flowers

According to SP leader Emile Roemer, there is a good chance that the SP will prove necessary to the formation of a new governing coalition. “The first opportunity goes of course to those who made the biggest gains, the two right wing parties the VVD and the PVV. But in my view the formation of a right-wing coalition is going to present difficulties, given the result."

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8 June 2010

SP: consumers victim of airlines' influence on EU decision-makers

In response to pressure from airlines the European Commission has opted to make it more difficult for air travellers to claim compensation for delays and other inconveniences. This became clear from leaked notes emanating from the section of the European Commission which deals with consumers' rights. Forms designed to aid consumers in claiming money back from airlines are becoming harder to get hold of. The SP today put questions both to the Commission in Brussels and to the government in The Hague, as Dennis de Jong, chair of the party's European Parliamentary group, explains: "You can't just let this pass. Consumers have rights in this matter and the Commission's consumer rights department should be helping them. If the airlines need aid they can request it in the normal fashion, but not at the expense of disappointed air travellers."

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8 June 2010

Cuts in aid have consequences

It seems a straightforward concept. But spending cuts which carry no costs don't exist. Real people elsewhere will be the victims of cuts made here. The poor of the world have no voting rights here. So people here have to use that right to protect people elsewhere from the ransacking of the development budget.

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