
Nieuws uit 2007

19 November 2007

Netherlands must act against hunting of protected whales

Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen must summon the new Japanese ambassador to protest against his country's stepping up of whale hunting, says SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen. Under the guise of 'scientific research', Japan is to resume hunting of the seriously endangered humpback whale.

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16 November 2007

Refusal of access to OSCE election observers shows Russia's true face

“By refusing observers from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) access to parliamentary elections scheduled for 2nd December, Russia is revealing its true, undemocratic face," says SP Member of Parliament and foreign affairs specialist Harry van Bommel. Van Bommel would have been a participant in an OSCE mission which the organisation has now cancelled under pressure from the Russians.

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16 November 2007

Alleged torture of terror suspects by CIA: Van Bommel demands explanation

SP Member of Parliament and foreign affairs spokesman Harry van Bommel is demanding an explanation from the government regarding reports that in 2003 in Egypt the US Central Intelligence Agency were responsible for a suspected terrorist being subjected to torture. Information extracted through this torture was used by the United States as one pretext for the invasion of Iraq, which was supported by the Dutch government.

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15 November 2007

Military action in Uruzgan is ineffective: Invest instead in real development workers

That Defence Minister Eimert van Middelkoop stated at a recent debate organised by this newspaper – the Reformatorisch Dagblad (RD) -that he is funds to prolong the military mission in the Afghan province of Uruzgan is something to which Harry van Bommel, Member of Parliament and foreign affairs spokesman for the SP, is completely opposed. Below, he argues that the money would be better spent on real development workers.

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14 November 2007

Poles Depart

A Dutch MP looks into the consequences of mass emigration for Poland and its people

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13 November 2007

EU must keep its hands off our criminal law

The European Commission is proposing that the synthetic drug 1-benzylpiperazine be made illegal in all European Union member states. This would mean that for the first time member states would be forced to amend their criminal law as it relates to drugs, a dangerous precedent for the Netherlands.

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