
Renewed war in Gaza must be prevented

24 December 2010

Renewed war in Gaza must be prevented

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel is urging Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal to take action to help prevent increasing tensions in Gaza from escalating into war. Van Bommel’s plea was prompted by the bombing of the Palestinian enclave by the Israeli air force in retaliation for a racket attack which had resulted in injury to a person in the kibbutz at Askalon. The Israeli reprisal left five dead.

‘Two years after the devastating war in Gaza we have seen no progress whatsoever in the political situation,’ says Van Bommel. ‘Now a new escalation threatens and that must be stopped.’ US special envoy to the Middle East George Mitchell is calling for strong intervention to resolve the tensions in a diplomatic fashion. This is necessary also in order to ensure a real peace process between the Palestinians and Israel.

Mitchell’s call is aimed in the first place at the White House. “I call on Minister Rosenthal to bring pressure to bear on all interested parties to reduce tensions,’ says Van Bommel. ‘The EU has a special role in the permanent consultations between the great powers. This role must be strengthened.’

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