Dutch government resigns, new elections on january 22, 2003
Dutch government resigns, new elections on january 22, 2003
On wednesday octobre 16 2002, the Dutch coalition government resigned. Main reason is the total chaos in the fraction of one of the coalition-partners, the LPF.
The government was in power for only 87 days. The coalition consisted of christiandemocrats (CDA), liberals (VVD) and the Pim Fortuyn Platform (LPF), who’s leader was shot dead on may 6th, only days before the elections.
The LPF fraction (26 members in parliament) never knew one week without quarrel. One scandal after the other, a change of political leaders and the ’incompatibility of chararcters’ of two of the LPF mininsters practically made governing impossible.
New elections are due for 22 january 2003.
The SP is currently represented in parliament with 9 members. The polls since the election have favourable for the party, and now predict more then 20 members in parliament if elections were to be held today. For those who read Dutch, click here for more information
Or look what CNN or the BBC have to say about it, for French comments: Le Monde, for German: TAZ.
For our (Dutch) election-campaign pages, click here