Stop the Israeli occupation
Stop the Israeli occupation
The parliamentary fraction of the SP signed the petition Stop the Israeli occupations and calls on everyone to do the same. The petition is an initiative of a platform of which SP parliamentarian Harry van Bommel is also a member. And you can sign aswell!
Petition: Stop the occupation
For 35 years now, Israel occupies the Palestinian Territories, in spite of a large number of UN resolution. This occupation has a devastating effect on both sides and causes extreme suffering for the Palestinian population.
Its not a matter of jews versus non-jews, but of expansionist Israeli politics versus the international rule of law. Israel ignores UN resolutions conceirning the occupation, and violates in a structural manner the international conventions which apply to occupying powers.
This situation provoces violence on both sides. To de-escalate the conflict and prevent even more suffering on both sides, its time for the international community to take active steps and put pressure on Israel to stop the occupation.
The Netherlands has the possibility and should take the responsability to help restore the international rule of law in the Middle-East, both on its own as in an broader European cooperation. Europe has a powerfull tool in the association agreements with Israel. These agreements provide Israel with a considerable financial benefit, but they can be put on hold in case of serious violations of human rights.
Both the Palestinians and the Israeli people want peace and freedom. Peace and occupation can not go together. We want a safe and sustainable Palestinian state, an Israeli state within safe borders and a just sollution for the Palestinian refugees.
We have different political, religious and ethnic backgrounds. We have different opinions on the situation and the road to peace in the Middle-East. But we all agree on:
Israel has to pull out of all the territories occupied since 1967 and adhere to all relevant UN resolutions.
Therefor we call on:
- The national parliaments of the European countries to support this declaration;
- The European governments and the European Commission for a more active policy supporting this goal and the to use the means described above;
- Everyone in the Netherlands and everywhere else to sign this petition and give it publicity.
This petition was signed by all the members of the SP parliamentary fraction on september 24th 2002.
You can sign aswell!
If you agree to the text, click here and sign your name (naam), email, profession (beroep) and country (plaats).