
Major step forward in tackling fur trade

15 February 2007

Major step forward in tackling fur trade

Minister of Agriculture Cees Veerman today promised the SP that the ban on the import of furs from seals would be strengthened. In a motion from SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen which won broad support, the Minister was called upon to keep pelts from the South African fur seal, hunted en masse in the cruellest manner in Namibia, off the Dutch market.

Krista van VelzenIn the same debate Mr Veerman agreed to the SP's request to launch an investigation into the possibility of introducing a ban on the import of furs from foxes and chinchillas. A ban on farming these animals in the Netherlands will be introduced next year as a consequence of serious concerns over animal welfare. "Fur that comes from cruel methods of hunting or farming should not be traded in our country," said Ms Van Velzen. "It is good to see that support for this standpoint is growing and that this has not been without results."

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