SP Success: Parliament wants to ban the killing of millions of baby roosters
SP Success: Parliament wants to ban the killing of millions of baby roosters

Every year 40 million baby roosters are killed in the Netherlands, often on the same day they are born. The young roosters are gassed because they have no 'economic use'. Cruel and unnecessary, because there are alternatives.
The SP has, therefore, started a campaign to ban the mass-killing of these chicks. And with a first success, as the Lower House of Parliament today supported a proposal from the SP to proceed with the ban.
SP Member of Parliament Sandra Beckerman is happy with the support: 'This is a very nice step forward. The Lower House of Parliament agrees with us that this cannot go on. It is not yet settled. We have to keep up the pressure to be able to save the 40 million roosters that are killed every year.'
Beckerman continues: 'There are alternatives and in France and Germany they are already going ahead with the ban. The Netherlands cannot stay behind and continue to kill millions of animals.'
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