
Success: students help children who struggle with the lockdown

2 February 2021

Success: students help children who struggle with the lockdown

Foto: SP

Tuesday, the parliament supported a proposal of the SP and VVD to help youths who get in to trouble during the lockdown. Students who want to become teachers or social workers can, as a job or as an internship, help youngsters who get in to trouble due to the corona crisis.

SP-MP Peter Kwint: ‘We all hear the stories of increasing learning disadvantages, pupils who show up less and less for classes, and some who don’t even show up at all. Some youngsters are more stressed, feel lonely and become depressed. We need to keep the young ones close, which is why I am very happy this proposal has been adopted. 

No one can say for certain how long schools will remain closed, but we do know for certain that the learning disadvantages and -delays of pupils are increasing. Moreover, the number of youngsters who state they suffer from the lockdown is increasing. They feel lonely or languid, and even the number of youngsters with suicidal thoughts is increasing. 

Kwint: ‘We cannot remove all the problems that this enormous crisis brings, and it is simply too much for a teacher to, in addition to the digital classes, keep in close personal contact with all pupils. But we are obliged to do everything to everything we can to help the youth. The SP truly believes that this proposal can help. A student who wants to become a teacher but cannot do an internship now, can do wonders by helping pupils at home. And someone who wants to become a therapist or social worker, can do the same for youngsters where there are worries about the child’s wellbeing. I really expect the government to get started on this as quickly as possible. It is very necessary.’

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