Launch of referendum campaign: No is 3 times better
Launch of referendum campaign: No is 3 times better

The SP today launched its campaign for the referendum on the EU’s Association Agreement with Ukraine at a rally in Amsterdam. Speakers included Harry van Bommel, Member of Parliament for the SP, Ukrainian employer Elena Plotnikova and Kees van der Pijl, professor emeritus in international relations. After the gathering dozens of SP members spread through the neighbourhood to discuss the referendum, to be held on 6th April, with members of the public.
“Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and lies 130th in Transparency International’s corruption perception index of 167 states,” said Van Bommel. “Chances are great that we will see many millions of euros fly away into the hands of corrupt Ukrainians. Ukraine deserves our support to improve the situation, but this destructive treaty will contribute nothing to that. That’s why I’m calling on everyone to give it a loud and clear ‘no’ on 6th April.” According to Van Bommel, there’s a great deal of enthusiasm for the referendum among voters. “The 30% minimum turnout which is needed to make the result valid will certainly be reached,” he said.

Photo: Entertainer and SP supporter Bob Fosko singing the song he wrote for the campaign.
The Ukrainian employer Elena Plotnikova added her voice to the calls for the Netherlands to vote against the treaty. “The most important argument against the Association Agreement?” she asked. “War” was her answer. “The treaty strengthens military cooperation with Ukraine. The Netherlands can’t be sucked into the conflict in this way. The question is also: why, exactly? Ukraine’s economy is smaller than that of the province of North Holland and the economically strongest region, Donbass, has now been destroyed. So how does this bring opportunities for trade?”
In the runup to 6th April the SP will be distributing more than a million leaflets, tens of thousands of posters will be displayed and thousands of banners hung. Campaign leader Hans van Heijningen promises that “from now until the 6th April we are going to made it clear that a ‘no’ vote is three times better: better for Ukraine, better for Europe and better for the Netherlands.”

- See also:
- Europe