New scandal rocks European Parliament
New scandal rocks European Parliament
Last Monday saw what may turn out to be yet another major scandal come to light, when a local assistant of a Romanian MEP of the extreme right stated that he had never received a single cent in wages, despite the fact that the man had presented him as one of his employees. This would mean that the MEP had pocketed some €40.000. Commenting on the affair, SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong says, ´Just a few days ago the working group of which I was a member reached agreement on a new Code of Conduct for Euro-MPs. This incident demonstrates that this Code of Conduct should be introduced without delay, and also that its enforcement must be very closely monitored. The European Parliament does some important work, but this sort of incident gives people the idea, and not without foundation, that the place is full of people who are only out for their own gain.’
The SP has fought for many years for more transparency in the European institutions and against the misappropriation of funds. “We’re pleased that, with the adoption of this new Code of Conduct, we have fulfilled one of our election promises, but such as Code is just a start,” insists De Jong. “What’s needed is not only an effective system of control, but also a change in the Parliament’s statutes to enable more severe penalties than can currently be imposed.”