Renske Leijten's farewell as SP MP
Renske Leijten's farewell as SP MP

SP MP Renske Leijten is leaving the House of Representatives, she told the Party Council of the SP. After almost 17 years in the Lower House, she feels it is enough. This certainly does not mean she has stopped being an SP member. She will just stop serving our democracy in the Lower House and in political The Hague. She is leaving the Hague bubble and will engage with our democracy in a different way. It is time to go back to the real life society and organise people there.
For years Leijten has campaigned for good healthcare, for democracy, the referendum. She was crucial in exposing the benefits scandal. She can look back on her time as an MP with pride. SP actions led to the SP's first two laws being passed: against wage dumping in home care and against prevent tenders in home care. She is also proud of the Socialist Party stopping market forces and tenders in ambulance care. Arguments were not listened to, but actions had effect. It is sad that just about every SP warning against decentralisation and cuts in care has come true. With major consequences for people.
Of course, Leijten will remain committed to the benefits scandal and the people who suffered great injustice as a result. By trusting and organising people, the scandal was exposed. By not accepting that only 2,000 people would receive compensation, the 2020 scheme went into effect for many more people who were wrongly labelled as fraudsters. Leijten finds it utterly astonishing to see how the government, with the support of a parliamentary majority, is dealing with resolving this scandal.
The SP has expressed their deepest gratitude to Renske Leijten for all her years as a dedicated MP. Renske represented what is often lacking in The Hague politics: a true voice of the people, always committed and inspired and approachable for everyone. Renske showed how to be active in parliament without becoming a parliamentarian. Politics needs more of Renske Leijten’s spirit. Fortunately, she remains active in the SP. We will miss her terribly in The Hague.
Renske Leijten officially bade farewell to the Lower House on Tuesday 4 July. On Wednesday 5 July, Nicole Temmink was installed as MP.