
The SP pulls the energy companies off the market

11 February 2023

The SP pulls the energy companies off the market

Foto: SP

A growing number of people cannot pay their energy bills. About 2,000 people came to the People's Protest on Beursplein in Amsterdam. This symbolic place, near the stock exchange, was where they made it clear that our energy should not be on the market and that energy company profits should not go to shareholders but should be used to lower energy bills.

Before our energy companies were privatised, they were mainly owned by municipalities and provinces. The SP therefore sees the upcoming Provincial Council elections as the next opportunity to take back control of our energy.

The SP's People's Petition to nationalise energy and cut bills has now been signed more than 100 thousand times.

While people suffer in the cold, Essent, Eneco and Vattenfall make a combined billion in profits a year. Instead of using these profits to lower our bills, this money is distributed to shareholders. Our energy does not belong on the market. This can and must change. Together, we will take back control of our energy and lower the bills.

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