Victory in Senate: Cabinet pledges additional measures to halve child poverty
Victory in Senate: Cabinet pledges additional measures to halve child poverty

A victory in the fight against child poverty during the general political consultations in the Senate. SP group chairman Rik Janssen called attention to this problem at the start of his speech. A passage in the budget suggested that the cabinet was giving an opening to make the targets around reducing child poverty less harsh.
In the debate, Janssen asked the cabinet for clarification: 'Children should not grow up in poverty and be set back the rest of their lives,' Janssen argued. 'My request to the prime minister is therefore whether he will pledge that, if necessary, the government will take additional measures to actually achieve the halving of child poverty by 2025. We must never let our children down.'
The SP previously focused attention to this problem in the Senate. During debates in 2018 and 2016, the SP group tabled motions to set reduction targets for child poverty. In the second term, following an interjection by Janssen, the government pledged not to deviate from the targets. If necessary, it will set additional measures. Which means the halving of child poverty in our country is one step closer after this debate.