
Nieuws uit 2017

25 April 2017

SP Euro-MP De Jong ensures SME test on proposals against geoblocking

´Geoblocking´ is the practice whereby internet-based retail outlets exclude purchasers from outside their own EU member state. The European Commission wants to put an end to this and is proposing a legal ban. Today the European Parliament reached agreement on its negotiating position, as the measure will be settled by what’s known as the co-decision procedure, under which the Council, which directly represents the member state governments, and the EP must agree on the final text. SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong is no defender of geo-blocking, but he fears that the proposed legal requirements could make life difficult for smaller shops. “Organisations representing small and medium-sized enterprises – SMEs in the jargon – are complaining that the rules are so complicated that in setting up a website you hardly know where you stand. This is especially true for shops serving a local market, such as a neighbourhood baker’s, which might run a website to inform local customers. All of a sudden such small traders could come in for unpleasant surprises and find themselves forced to offer their wares to people in other member states.” De Jong, however, has a solution. “Today we also reached agreement in principle on a supplementary ‘SME test’” – in other words, an assessment of the likely effects of the measure on smaller firms – “which will be negotiated in parallel with the negotiations on the measure as a whole.”

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24 April 2017

Remi Poppe: The dark side of capitalism

AkzoNobel is threatened with being taken over by American predatory capitalists. Recently Unilever also fell into American hands via a hostile takeover. In principle there’s nothing exceptional about any of this. What’s unusual is that Jeroen van der Veer, ex-head of Shell and currently chairman of the board of directors of both Philips and ING, is worried about it. “Hostile takeovers are the dark side of capitalism,” I heard him say on TV.

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24 April 2017

SP Senator Kox refuses invitation to meet with Turkish authorities

In the light of President Erdogan’s continuing assault on the democratic norms by which, as a member state of the Council of Europe, Turkey has agreed to abide, political group leaders in the body’s parliamentary assembly have refused an invitation to attend talks on the situation with the Turkish authorities. United Left Group leader and SP Senator Tiny Kox is in complete agreement with this unanimous decision.

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13 April 2017

Coal-fired power stations must close, but workers must not be left to rot: SP joins dockers’ action

Foto: SP

Today the SP stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the dockers who serve the Hemweg power station in Amsterdam. The dockers and their union, the FNV, are demanding that attention be paid to their plight and that of many other Dutch workers and their families who depend on the coal-fired power station for their livelihoods. “Closure of the coal-fired power stations is a necessary step in the fight against climate change, but that’s no reason to leave the thousands of workers dependent on them to their fate,” argue SP Member of Parliament Sandra Beckerman and her colleague Cem Lacin.

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13 April 2017

Workers in Sri Lanka must share in advantages of trade with EU

Foto: SP

SP Euro-MP Anne-Marie Mineur describes herself as pleased by the outcome of her fact-finding mission to Sri Lanka. Under pressure resulting from her visit, Labour Minister John Seneviratne has stated that he will ensure that 50% of the financial gains from additional trade with the European Union will go directly to the island nation’s workers and that he is prepared to make this an enforceable target. He has received support in this from the employers’ organisation Board of Investors (BOI).

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11 April 2017

How much tax do they pay and where? Leijten demands openness from multinationals

SP Member of Parliament Renske Leijten wants it made compulsory for multinational corporations (MNCs) to declare how much tax they pay and where they pay it. A range of studies and reports have demonstrated that MNCs use a variety of structures to ensure that they pay as little tax as possible. Developing countries are among those who are losing many billions every year in tax receipts as a result.

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