SP on the street to oppose permanent war
SP on the street to oppose permanent war

SP members took to the streets in three cities at the weekend and on into Monday to speak out against the government's decision to prolong three military missions. Under the slogan 'Permanent war? Not in my name', flyers were distributed in The Hague, Leiden and Amsterdam.
The Netherlands is planning once again to send soldiers to Mali, Afghanistan and Iraq. In Iraq, F16 fighter-bombers are to be deployed, as they may also be above Syria. This week and next, Parliament will debate the government's decision to extend these military missions.
SP Member of Parliament Sadet Karabulut fears that military actions will not solve any problems, but will instead exacerbate them. “After sixteen years of the War on Terror,” she says, “terror has merely increased, there are more than a million dead and millions of refugees. It's high time that it was understood that the War on Terror is counterproductive.”

- See also:
- Afghanistan
- Europe
- Iraq War
- World