SP’s “Team Brussels” joins Belgian trade unionists protesting social dumping
SP’s “Team Brussels” joins Belgian trade unionists protesting social dumping
This morning the Luxemburgplein in front of the European Parliament was packed with demonstrators, people who feel the effects of social dumping in Europe every day. They were protesting against unfair competition between workers from different EU member states. Not only in the Netherlands, but also in Belgium and other west European countries, east European workers suffer exploitation. This is leading in turn to oppressive conditions in the labour market and represents a direct threat to the livelihoods of west European workers.
Many transport- and building workers, sectors in which social dumping is leading to job losses and inhuman working conditions, came along to make their voices heard. Effective speeches alternated with fine music and lively discussions, creating a great atmosphere in the square, which ensured a successful demonstration. This was essentially a Belgian demo, but the SP’s European Parliament team is determined to see such actions broadened by attracting trade unionists from across the EU.
Prior to the demonstration, which was organised by the Belgian trade union the ABVV/FGTB, a leaflet was distributed on various motorways in Belgium, in English, to eastern European lorry drivers: 'Your rights in Belgium as a truckdriver'. In addition to turning up at the demonstration to show their solidarity, the SP’s European Parliament team will continue to fight social dumping, including by attempting to have the relevant EU law – “the posted workers directive” - amended.
- See also:
- Europe