Loud 'no' to stranglehold trade accords
Loud 'no' to stranglehold trade accords

Demonstrations in Germany and Austria had already brought some 300,000 people on to the streets to demonstrate against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and the US and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with Canada. In Brussels today, 15.000 were added to that total, with representation from trade unions, political parties, consumer groups, environmental organisations and groups which stand for good health care, food safety and democracy. The SP was amongst those present. “If you don't say no you get two,” said SP Euro-MP Anne-Marie Mineur. “TTIP and CETA must be chucked out, and as soon as possible.”

The banner reads "Trade treaty? Stranglehold accord!". SP Euro-MPs Dennis de Jong (first on left) and Anne-Marie Mineur (first on right) were on today's demonstration.
Opposition to the free trade agreements, which the SP prefers to call “stranglehold accords”, is growing to the point where it seems to be getting results. Even at government level in countries such as France, Germany and Austria, criticism of the TTIP is being heard. But the struggle is far from won. TTIP has still not been thrown out and the CETA, which is no more than the TTIP by the Canadian back door, is close to coming into force.