
Roemer: 'Brexit outstanding chance to build a slimmed down and democratic Europe'

27 June 2016

Roemer: 'Brexit outstanding chance to build a slimmed down and democratic Europe'

Foto: SP

Brexit presents an outstanding opportunity for fundamental change in Europe, to get rid of competition between countries and build a slimmed down EU. A New Union, a union of cooperation between countries, instead of a union with diktats from Brussels. So said SP leader Emile Roemer during Monday evening’s debate on the Brexit.

In Roemer’s view it’s not to be wondered at that the existing European Union has so little support in the population. “People feel themselves powerless in relation to Europe,” he says. “They see people coming into conflict with each other, the divide growing. Year after year of harsh austerity. Under pressure from Brussels. We have to have marketisation of the home help service Because Brussels says we must, says the government. There’s vicious competition around wages and working conditions. Also under pressure from Brussels. So it’s hardly a shock if a big slice of the population, which is fed up of these policies, won’t put up with this Europe any longer.”

As far as the SP is concerned. The European Union must be transformed, and quickly. “The Bresit vote from the British proves that the European project cannot survive without support from the people. If the EU does not draw any lessons from the Brexit and pushes on with undemocratic European integration, it will irrevocably lead to a domino effect.”

During the debate Roemer put forward concrete demands for changing Europe: the European Commission in its present form should be abolished. Compulsory budgetary rules which undermine social policy must be stopped. Member states must have more room to put limits on the internal market. And no more powers should be transferred without the people being consulted.


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