
Nieuws uit 2011

13 July 2011

The Netherlands isn’t a province of Europe, Neelie!

Even if the silly season is upon us, or at least if the time is ripe for it, all of a sudden yet another fundamental discussion appears to have broken out regarding the Netherlands and the European Union – or ‘Brussels’ for short. On 9th July Dutch European Commissioner Neelie Kroes gave an interview to national daily De Telegraaf, in which she hauled her party colleague, Prime Minister Mark Rutte, over the coals for his ‘Euro-pragmatism’, arguing that he should explain once more to the people of the Netherlands that their country has gained a great deal from Brussels and stop moaning about the +/- 5% increase in the EU budget. It’s always nice to see the right falling out with each other, but of course there was nothing new in Kroes’s remarks.

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6 July 2011

New scandal rocks European Parliament

Last Monday saw what may turn out to be yet another major scandal come to light, when a local assistant of a Romanian MEP of the extreme right stated that he had never received a single cent in wages, despite the fact that the man had presented him as one of his employees. This would mean that the MEP had pocketed some €40.000. Commenting on the affair, SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong says, ´Just a few days ago the working group of which I was a member reached agreement on a new Code of Conduct for Euro-MPs. This incident demonstrates that this Code of Conduct should be introduced without delay, and also that its enforcement must be very closely monitored. The European Parliament does some important work, but this sort of incident gives people the idea, and not without foundation, that the place is full of people who are only out for their own gain.’

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5 July 2011

European Parliament Report on retail trade is missed opportunity for small firms

The European Parliament today adopted a report on the retail trade in the EU, but the proposed measures consistently fail to address the needs of small businesses. ‘I want local authorities to be able to use zoning to refuse planning permission to hypermarkets, so that small shops won’t disappear and town centres will remain lively places. The Parliament, however, sees this idea as a hindrance to the internal market.’

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1 July 2011

Foresight: Afghanistan

Slowly but surely it’s getting through to the US and NATO that this war cannot be won, and that talking with the Taliban would be preferable. The Taliban cannot be combated militarily. That the war has not delivered what was anticipated in 2001 is now acknowledged.

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1 July 2011

Parliament supports SP proposal to end undue influence by Turkish and Moroccan governments

SP Member of Parliament Sadet Karabulut yesterday won the legislature’s support for her proposal to put a stop to undue influence being brought to bear on Dutch nationals by the governments of Turkey and Morocco. Parliament’s adoption of the motion means that Home Affairs Minister Piet Hein Donner will be obliged to take effective action.

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1 July 2011

Parliament supports SP motion to end arms trade with repressive regimes

No trade in arms with countries where human rights are abused and where free elections are not held: this proposal from SP Member of Parliament Jasper van Dijk was adopted to day by the Dutch national Parliament. Delighted with the result of the vote, Van Dijk says, ‘The government left itself room to sell weapons to dictatorial regimes as a result of economic interests. The recent uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa have demonstrated that these weapons will be used against the country’s own population. A ban on trading in arms with repressive countries is, as this shows, entirely justified.’

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