
Nieuws uit 2008

31 July 2008

Extra food aid for Horn of Africa follows SP intervention

SP Member of Parliament Ewout Irrgang says he is "very pleased" by the decision of Development Cooperation Minister Bert Koenders to grant an additional €9 million in emergency aid to Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea. The SP development spokesman last week asked the minister to consider increasing the aid as a response to threatened famine.

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31 July 2008

Alleged bribery surrounding purchase of crown prince's house in Mozambique: SP demands explanation

SP Member of Parliament Ewout Irrgang has for the second time this month asked Development Cooperation Minister Bert Koenders for clarification of circumstances surrounding the building of a holiday home in Mozambique for crown prince Willem-Alexander. His concern was provoked by reports in the weekly news sheet HP/De Tijd on alleged bribery surrounding a project with which the crown prince is associated.

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30 July 2008

‘Failure of WTO accord is no disaster’

This week's failure of the negotiations over the World Trade Organisation's free trade agreement is no disaster, according to SP Member of Parliament and development spokesman Ewout Irrgang. “Developing countries were required to give up far too much, to the advantage of the rich countries," Irrgang said. "It is good that they stood their ground."

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26 July 2008

The return of history

Jasper van Dijk

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25 July 2008

EU Common Agricultural Policy is still distorting the market

Albert-Jan Maat, President of the Dutch farmers' union LTO, argues that 'bashing' the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) as the source of inequality and hunger in the world makes little sense.(1) Maat praises the CAP's increasingly open character, but in my opinion things are somewhat more complex than that.

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