
Nieuws uit 2007

22 February 2007

Breakthrough at last for asbestos victims

SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen describes herself as “delighted” by the agreement which the Eternit corporation has reached with two victims of asbestos. The two suffer from cancer of the pleura brought about by exposure to asbestos, though they were never employed in the industry. Previously, Eternit have denied any responsibility for asbestos-related diseases unless these were caused while working for the firm, and only former employees and their families have received compensation.

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19 February 2007

SP: Open debate on the future of NATO

Now that NATO is seeking a new strategic concept for 2009, it's time that we in the Netherlands opened a debate on this amongst the public and politicians.” So said SP Senator Tiny Kox on the occasion of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels. The Assembly, of which Senator Kox is a member, will discuss developments in the alliance as well as the future of what is the world's biggest military organisation.

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16 February 2007

SP Member of Parliament chosen to chair multi-party initiative against Aids

The main legislative chamber of the Dutch national parliament yesterday launched a multi-party initiative to combat Aids. Its goal is to increase the involvement and expertise of parliament in the worldwide struggle against HIV/Aids. SP Member of Parliament and development spokesman Ewout Irrgang will chair the body, with Christian Democrat Kathleen Ferrier as vice-chair.

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15 February 2007

Major step forward in tackling fur trade

Minister of Agriculture Cees Veerman today promised the SP that the ban on the import of furs from seals would be strengthened. In a motion from SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen which won broad support, the Minister was called upon to keep pelts from the South African fur seal, hunted en masse in the cruellest manner in Namibia, off the Dutch market.

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14 February 2007

Farm budget should be partially repatriated

“Decentralisation of European agricultural subsidies and more power for the member states to determine their own agricultural policies,” is, according to SP Member of the European Parliament Kartika Liotard, the thrust of the parliamentary report to be voted on at this week's Plenary in Strasbourg: "It's an exceptional report, almost the whole of which we can support”, she said.

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14 February 2007

Europe right to point finger at CIA and member states who collaborated in illegal flights

The European Parliament today found the courage to approve the report on illegal CIA flights. Commenting on the vote, SP Euro-MP Kartika Liotard said: “Rapporteur Claudio Fava took a very stern line with both the CIA and those European countries which permitted them to conduct their secret operations and then tried to thwart a European investigation. Most MEPs agreed that this was a sign that it was about time we showed our teeth. We are not prepared to accept any such abuses of human rights in Europe.”

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