Grote klasse! (First rate!) That’s how SP leader Emile Roemer greeted Syriza’s fresh election victory in Greece. At Sunday’s parliamentary election, Alexis Tsipras’ party attracted a third of the votes cast, leaving it as the country’s clear biggest, well in front of the conservative New Democracy. From tomorrow, Prime Minister Tsipras can begin assembling a new government for Greece.

'In spite of all the flak Syriza had to withstand, the party has once again been successful in attracting a huge proportion of the voters,’ said Roemer. ‘From every side, a total defeat for Syriza was predicted. That didn’t happen. All things considered, many Greeks still had more faith in the left’s alternatives than they did in the right’s plans. I hope that this result will set the European Union thinking. The Greek people don’t want to go back to a Greece of corrupt decision-makers and chaotic mismanagement. Instead of putting ever-increasing pressure on Syriza, the EU would do better to give the country more space and time to restore its economy. The Dutch government could also contribute to this. The Greek people, who have had to suffer so much, deserve our support.'