Gaza: SP supports call for immediate ceasefire and emergency aid
Gaza: SP supports call for immediate ceasefire and emergency aid
Today almost the whole of the United Left Group in the European Parliament, the political group to which the SP is affiliated, backed a call for the European Union to put pressure on Israel to cease immediately its attacks on Gaza and allow the supply of emergency aid. The SP’s Euro-MPs, Dennis de Jong and Anne-Marie Mineur signed the call.

Commenting on the call, Mineur said: "Daily you see pictures of death and ruin. Even women and children are victims en masse. The EU and the member states cannot stay on the sidelines. According to Article 2 of the Association Agreement between Israel and the EU, relations between the parties should be based on respect for human rights and democratic principles. According to United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights Navanethem Pillay, everything points to the fact that with its attacks on the Gaza Strip Israel is violating international law and committing war crimes. The EU must then also take action on this.’