SP team in action against human rights abuses
SP team in action against human rights abuses
SP Members of Parliament Sharon Gesthuizen and Harry van Bommel will join an SP team tomorrow morning in a marathon letter-writing session organised in Amsterdam by Amnesty International.
The letters will be sent to countries guilty of human rights abuses. Together with the SP branch in The Hague, Gesthuizen will make a start on the writing marathon this evening.
10th December is Human Rights Day, and actions will be carried out in over eighty countries in solidarity with twelve individuals and communities who are suffering under human rights abuses. From New Zealand to Canada and from Argentina to Mongolia people will be writing to demand the freeing of Vladimir Akimenkov, Artyom Savyolov and Mikhail Kosenko from Russia, in prison because they participated in demonstrations; for Hakan Yaman from Turkey, maltreated by the police; and for Mexico’s Miriam Lopez, tortured by Mexican soldiers. And they will be writing for many others whose human rights have been abused.
The writing marathon lasts 24 hours and Amnesty International expect that during this time more than two million letters, faxes, emails, tweets and texts will be sent. In the past the organisation has successfully demanded the release of prisoners of conscience and proved that people can unite against injustice.
More information on the action can be found on Amnesty’s website