
Roemer: transferring foreign investors’ money from Cyprus cannot be permitted

27 March 2013

Roemer: transferring foreign investors’ money from Cyprus cannot be permitted

SP leader Emile Roemer is furious over reports that millions, possibly billions of euros have disappeared from Cyprus while bank accounts on the island remain frozen.

‘The Cypriot saver can’t get hold of his or her money, so why have big corporations and wealthy individuals been able to withdrawing their cash?’ he asks, adding that ‘this can’t be permitted.’

Roemer is demanding that Dijsselbloem come clean about how much money has gone, why he was unable to prevent this and what measures he intends to take. ‘What does this mean for support to Cyprus,’ he asks, ‘and who’s to blame for it?'

The Cypriot banks have been closed for days because the authorities are afraid that money will be taken out en masse. ‘The big players know a way round this,’ says Roemer, ‘and I want to know what Dijsselbloem is going to do to cushion the blow.’

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