
De Jong: rejection of liberalisation plan for baggage handling an important victory

12 December 2012

De Jong: rejection of liberalisation plan for baggage handling an important victory

The European Parliament today rejected proposals from the European Commission for further liberalisation of baggage handling at airports. Commenting on the proposals’ defeat, SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong said: 'This is an important victory. With this the European Parliament has given a clear signal to the Commission that the outdated liberalisation agenda can no longer rely on the Parliament’s support.'

Dennis de JongYesterday thousands of workers from different EU member states demonstrated against the liberalisation plans. Earlier this year Dennis de Jong visited the baggage handlers to size up the situation. ‘On the shop floor and from trade union representatives we heard the same thing. It’s been squeezed dry – further liberalisation can only lead to competition on wages and working conditions and not on improvements of quality. Fortunately the Parliament does now appear to have learnt from past mistakes.'

Following the proposal’s rejection by the European Parliament it’s unlikely that the Commission will come back with more liberalisation plans. ‘That’s why this victory is not only important for baggage handling itself,’ argues De Jong, ‘but for all sectors where the Commission still thinks that liberalisation proposals can be unleashed.'

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