
‘Don’t let Sicko be our future’

24 December 2010

‘Don’t let Sicko be our future’

Lewi Vogelpoel (right) gives a copy of  'Sicko' to Renske Leijten
Lewi Vogelpoel (right) gives a copy of 'Sicko' to Renske Leijten

SP Member of Parliament Renske Leijten was today handed a copy of Michael Moore’s film Sicko by medical specialist Lewi Vogelpoel. ‘The film sketches out the future of a policy in which the direction of health care is taken out of the hands of professionals and given to non-professionals,’ Vogelspoel said.

Vogelpoel approached every political group in the Dutch national parliament to bring them her Christmas message, an initiative which enjoyed Leijten’s full support : ‘Whenever commercial interests are put first, the interests of the health of the public is subordinated. Michael Moore’s film shows where this has led in the United States, and we must make absolutely sure that this doesn’t happen in the Netherlands.’

In Sicko film-maker Michael Moore compares the health care system in the United States with those of countries where medical treatment is widely accessible. He shows in his film how the enormous power of the health insurance companies is a major factor standing in the way of quality health care for all.

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