De Jong: European Commission must take action against growing corruption in member states
De Jong: European Commission must take action against growing corruption in member states
A newly-published report from Transparency International has revealed that a large number of EU member states have slid further down the annual global index of corruption. Culprits include Italy, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece, while countries such as Rwanda, Ghana and South Africa have shown improvement. SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong describes the findings as "unacceptable", adding that he wants to see "an action plan from the European Commission against corruption within the EU. The Commission must also step up monitoring of these countries when it comes to the spending of European subsidies."
In response to earlier reports from Transparency International, De Jong has already demanded that the European Commission take action. The Commission's response was to announce that it would be bringing forward ideas to tackle the problem next year, an answer he finds unsatisfactory. "A large number of member states are becoming more corrupt by the day. The Commission would do well to show more decisiveness. Instead of, as is currently proposed, relaxing financial controls on EU spending, in the case of these countries monitoring should be stepped up."
The European Commission gives too little priority to tackling corruption within the EU. By means of parliamentary questions and participation in a network of like-minded Euro-MPs, De Jong is attempting to increase pressure on the Commission. He will also be one of the speakers at the International Anti-Corruption Conference to take place in Bangkok from 10th-13th November.
Transparency International's findings can be found in the report posted here.
Italy, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece stand respectively at numbers 67, 69, 73 and 78, down from joint 63rd and joint 71st last year.