Ban on cluster bombs comes into force August 1st
Ban on cluster bombs comes into force August 1st
SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen is pleased that there is now broad support for an international ban on cluster munitions. This week UN chief Ban Ki-Moon announced that the treaty banning these weapons has now been ratified by thirty countries and that this means that on 1st August it will acquire the force of law.
Cluster bombs are extremely controversial because they are responsible not only for many civilian deaths during wars but also in the period following armed conflicts. "It's good to see that the work of so many individuals and organisations has been so hugely successful," says Van Velzen. "Taking action makes sense! It would be good if the Netherlands, following the signing of the treaty, were to move speedily to ratification of this law." Recently Van Velzen successfully proposed a motion in parliament that investment in cluster bombs be banned.