Georgia: SP demands clarification as Russians are accused of use of cluster bombs
Georgia: SP demands clarification as Russians are accused of use of cluster bombs
SP Member of Parliament and Foreign Affairs spokesman Harry van Bommel has asked Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen for clarification regarding reports of alleged use of cluster bombs by Russian forces in Georgia. A report from Human Rights Watch states that Dutch cameraman Stan Storimans, employed by the broadcaster RTL, fell victim to this controversial weapon when with seven other covilians he lost his life in the Georgian town of Gori earlier this week.
“The minister has announced that he has summoned the Russian ambassador,” said Van Bommel. “He must raise these allegations and the matter must be thoroughly investigated, if necessary by an independent international enquiry.”
The SP is urging the government to persuade the Russians to sign the Convention on Cluster Munitions recently agreed in Dublin when 111 countries accepted a complete ban. Russia was, however, not amongst the signatories.
“I hope that the Russians will change their position before the official signing of the Convention in December and urge the minister to do what he can to put pressure on them to do so,” said Van Bommel.